21 mars 2025
Qui a laissé sortir les chiens? L’ami canin dans l’art canadien
Les chiots et les toutous telles des muses [en anglais seulement].
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14 mars 2025
S’inspirer de Norval Morrisseau : 11 artistes du Canada perpétuent son héritage
Révéré comme le Mishomis, ou grand-père, de l’art autochtone contemporain au pays, Norval Morrisseau est né il y a 94 ans aujourd’hui. Voici un aperçu de son héritage brillant de mille feux [en anglais seulement].
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7 mars 2025
Courbe! Les sculptrices de la côte du Nord-Ouest à l’honneur
Au Audain Art Museum, une exposition rend hommage à quatorze femmes qui ont osé faire faire les choses différemment [en anglais seulement].
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28 février 2025
Neige spectaculaire : scènes hivernales dans l’art canadien
Tout au long de l’histoire, les artistes ont bravé les éléments pour traduire en images la quintessence de leurs expériences de l’hiver au Canada [en anglais seulement].
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21 février 2025
Le Canada sans les États-Unis : la brillante vision de Greg Curnoe
Le chef-d’œuvre de l’artiste de London en Ontario, consacré aux relations canado-américaines, se voulait peut-être humoristique. Mais aujourd’hui, il est tout sauf drôle.
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14 février 2025
Les visages de l’amour : onze œuvres canadiennes
Des artistes du Canada traduisent la dévotion et l’affection dans leur travail [en anglais seulement].
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7 février 2025
Plus d’un siècle d’artistes noir·es dans les Prairies : l’exposition phare en cours à Regina
Une tournée de l’exposition révolutionnaire Black Prairies à la Dunlop Art Gallery par la commissaire Alyssa Fearon [en anglais seulement].
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31 janvier 2025
En parfaite harmonie : la musique dans l’art canadien
Sur la relation harmonieuse entre art et musique [en anglais seulement].
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24 janvier 2025
Le pinceau de la résilience de Gershon Iskowitz à l’occasion de la Journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de l’Holocauste
Face au désespoir, Iskowitz a choisi l’optimisme [en anglais seulement].
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17 janvier 2025
L’art de se vêtir : neuf œuvres follement stylées
Représentations inventives de la mode dans l’histoire de l’art canadien [en anglais seulement].
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10 janvier 2025
En vedette : le corbeau et les premiers hommes, l’œuvre emblématique d’Iljuwas Bill Reid
À l’occasion de l’anniversaire d’Iljuwas Bill Reid, nous nous penchons sur cette sculpture monumentale près de quarante-cinq ans après sa création [en anglais seulement].
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3 janvier 2025
Le meilleur de l’art : 9 expositions à voir cet hiver
Un aperçu des expositions incontournables d’un océan à l’autre [en anglais seulement].
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27 décembre 2024
Disparu·es, mais inoubliables : des vies vécues pour l’art
Des figures célèbres de l’art canadien sont évoquées par leurs collègues, leurs pairs et leurs ami·es [en anglais seulement].
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20 décembre 2024
Eli Bornstein : sa vie et son œuvre, le plus récent livre de l'IAC sur le grand artiste de Saskatoon âgé de 101 ans
La première publication numérique en libre accès consacrée à Eli Bornstein, écrite par Roald Nasgaard, porte sur la carrière du pédagogue, érudit et artiste pionnier de l'art abstrait [en anglais seulement].
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13 décembre 2024
De la part de l’équipe de l’IAC : voici nos coups de cœur artistiques de 2024
Une sélection d’œuvres canadiennes inoubliables repérées par les membres de notre équipe au cours des douze derniers mois [en anglais seulement].
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6 décembre 2024
Sources de fierté : les récipiendaires des prix d’art canadien de 2024
Un aperçu de ceux et celles qui ont remporté les plus prestigieux prix artistiques cette année [en anglais seulement].
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29 novembre 2024
L’artiste transgenre avant-gardiste de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard : Erica Rutherford, pionnière infatigable
Sur la création envisagée comme une avenue pour sonder ses problèmes personnels et son rapport au monde [en anglais seulement].
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22 novembre 2024
Hommage à l’œuvre Regarder au loin de Jin-me Yoon : exposée sur la façade du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
L’œuvre la plus ambitieuse de l’artiste à ce jour repense les liens historiques, politiques et écologiques tissés entre des sites nationaux significatifs [en anglais seulement].
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15 novembre 2024
Faux ou fortune? L’étonnante histoire du chef-d’œuvre impressionniste récemment retrouvé, La récolte des haricots, d’Helen McNicoll
Une émission de télévision britannique populaire et l’autrice de l’IAC Samantha Burton ont découvert cette superbe œuvre canadienne [en anglais seulement].
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8 novembre 2024
Sortir des rangs : les femmes artistes et la guerre
Les conflits vus par les femmes [en anglais seulement].
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1 novembre 2024
Beauté américaine : artistes du Canada aux États-Unis
Alors que des élections se profilent à l’horizon chez nos voisins du Sud, nous présentons des artistes canadien·nes qui se sont installé·es aux É.-U. pour y trouver l’inspiration [en anglais seulement].
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25 octobre 2024
L’art de la collection : réflexions de neuf collectionneurs et collectionneuses du Canada
Qui collectionne quoi et pourquoi? [en anglais seulement]
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18 octobre 2024
Chronique de la condition humaine : la vie et l’œuvre de Betty Goodwin
Le plus récent livre de l’IAC, écrit par Jessica Bradley, retrace les six décennies d’exploration de l’existence humaine menée par l’artiste [en anglais seulement].
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11 octobre 2024
Entrer dans l’histoire : des expositions qui ont changé le cours de l’art au Canada
Un siècle d’expositions transformatrices au pays [en anglais seulement].
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4 octobre 2024
Ottawa pour les adeptes de l’art : dix endroits à visiter
Vous comptez vous rendre dans la capitale nationale? Voici les meilleurs sites artistiques à y visiter [en anglais seulement].
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27 septembre 2024
La vie et l’œuvre novatrices de Carl Beam
Avant la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation qui aura lieu lundi prochain, l’Institut de l’art canadien présente Carl Beam : sa vie et son œuvre d’Anong Migwans Beam, qui donne une perspective inédite sur l’artiste et son activisme [en anglais seulement].
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20 septembre 2024
L’automne en art canadien : douze expositions à ne pas manquer
Tour d’horizon des expositions à voir cette saison [en anglais seulement].
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13 septembre 2024
Annonce de la nouvelle saison : six livres novateurs sur l’art et les artistes du Canada
L’Institut de l’art canadien présente ses publications pour 2024-2025 [en anglais seulement].
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6 septembre 2024
Colville et la cinématographie : l’artiste et les films
L’impact du cinéma sur le peintre canadien mythique et vice-versa [en anglais seulement].
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30 août 2024
Transmettre avec brio : des artistes mentors et leurs élèves
À la découverte de relations de mentorat qui ont favorisé l’éclosion de grands talents [en anglais seulement].
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23 août 2024
Contre le mur : l’art de rue au Canada
Des œuvres qui définissent l’identité des villes canadiennes [en anglais seulement].
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16 août 2024
Gros plan sur l’œuvre Abbott & Cordova, 7 August 1971, de Stan Douglas
La représentation contemporaine, par l’artiste, d’une émeute historique.
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9 août 2024
L’athlétisme dans l’art : dix œuvres canadiennes
Sur l’art et le sport [en anglais seulement].
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2 août 2024
Souvenirs de Tom Thomson par l'historien de l'art David P. Silcox
Peu d’historiens de l’art canadien ont connu Tom Thomson ou ont écrit à son sujet avec autant de talent que le grand – et regretté – David P. Silcox [en anglais seulement].
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26 juillet 2024
En pleine floraison estivale : les fleurs dans l’art canadien
Quand une rose est plus qu’une rose.
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19 juillet 2024
L'art sous les tropiques : le Canada aux Bermudes
L’exposition Looking Out: Canadian Artists in Bermuda (À surveiller : des artistes du Canada aux Bermudes) racontre l’histoire d’amour entre ce pays et le territoire insulaire [en anglais seulement].
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12 juillet 2024
L’art du canot au Canada : un héritage centenaire
Regard sur le canot en tant que symbole visuel riche de sens pour d’innombrables générations d’artistes et d’artisan·es [en anglais seulement].
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5 juillet 2024
Le meilleur de l’art : 12 expositions d’été à ne pas manquer
Recommandations pour visiter musées et galeries dans les prochains mois [en anglais seulement].
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28 juin 2024
Les visages du Canada : 150 ans de photographie
Des images de qui nous sommes, tirées de l’ouvrage de référence de Sarah Bassnett et Sarah Parsons, La photographie au Canada, 1839-1989 [en anglais seulement].
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21 juin 2024
Dialogue interculturel dans l’art de Zacharie Vincent
Comment le peintre huron-wendat Zacharie Vincent fait œuvre de pionnier au dix-neuvième siècle [en anglais seulement].
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14 juin 2024
Voici les œuvres lauréates de l’édition 2024 du défi étudiant S’inspirer de l’art canadien
Nous avons invité les élèves d’un océan à l’autre à créer des œuvres originales en hommage aux meilleur·es artistes, tant historiques que contemporain·es, au pays. Nous vous présentons aujourd’hui leurs œuvres remarquables [en anglais seulement].
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7 juin 2024
Le nouveau livre de l’IAC, Doris McCarthy : sa vie et son œuvre, est lancé aujourd’hui
Nous célébrons la parution du livre d’art en ligne écrit par John G. Hatch sur la peintre caméléon des multiples paysages canadiens.
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31 mai 2024
La fierté en images : autoportraits photographiques par des artistes 2ELGBTQI+
Artistes du Canada dont les photographies, ou autres arts de la lentille, explorent les identités sexuelles et de genre par l’entremise du portrait.
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17 mai 2024
La remarquable histoire d’un chef-d’œuvre récemment retrouvé : Figures dans le paysage de Brooker
Pendant quarante-sept ans, personne n'a su où se trouvait « Figures in Landscape [Figures dans le paysage] », l’un des tableaux les plus controversés de l’art canadien. Aujourd'hui, l'œuvre est exposée au musée McMichael.
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10 mai 2024
Une représentation singulière de la maternité dans l’art de Germaine Arnaktauyok
Pour souligner la fête des mères, ce dimanche 12 mai, nous nous intéressons à l’œuvre de l’artiste inuite Germaine Arnaktauyok, dont les images intemporelles envoûtent le public depuis des décennies [en anglais seulement].
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3 mai 2024
Gros plan sur l’œuvre : Melly Shum Hates Her Job de Ken Lum
Melly Shum Hates Her Job (Melly Shum déteste son boulot), 1989, a fait de Ken Lum l’une des voix les plus novatrices de la photographie conceptuelle et de l’art contemporain [en anglais seulement].
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26 avril 2024
Cette fin de semaine seulement : partez à la découverte des galeries d’art du Canada
À l’occasion de cette tournée nationale les galeries vous ouvrent leurs portes d’un océan à l’autre [en anglais seulement].
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19 avril 2024
Le Canada bien en vue à la Biennale de Venise
En ce moment, sur la scène mondiale de Venise, est réunie une foule d’artistes de talent [en anglais seulement].
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12 avril 2024
Quand le pop devient art dans le Canada d’hier et d’aujourd'hui
Joignez-vous à nous pour ce voyage à travers l’art canadien, moderne et contemporain vu sous l’angle du pop art [en anglais seulement].
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5 avril 2024
Gros plan sur l’œuvre emblématique : Résidus de mine de nickel n° 34 d’Edward Burtynsky
La plus vaste exposition rétrospective d’Edward Burtynsky est ouverte. Pour marquer le coup, nous examinons en profondeur son chef-d’œuvre Résidus de mine de nickel n° 34, Sudbury, Ontario, 1996 [en anglais seulement].
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29 mars 2024
Carte postale artistique avec nos meilleurs vœux pour un long weekend fabuleux
En 1920, David Milne (1882-1953), natif de Paisley, en Ontario, crée ce paysage printanier envoûtant et luxuriant. [en anglais seulement].
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22 mars 2024
À l’affiche : Kenojuak Ashevak, grand-mère de l’art inuit
À l’occasion de l’exposition Kenojuak Ashevak: Life and Legacy (Kenojuak Ashevak : sa vie et son héritage), nous nous entretenons avec la conservatrice du Musée des beaux-arts Beaverbrook, Emma Hassencahl-Perley, au sujet de la vaste carrière de l’artiste [en anglais seulement].
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15 mars 2024
Le printemps en art canadien : douze expositions à ne pas manquer
Cette saison annonce une nouvelle cuvée d’expositions canadiennes incontournables, consacrées à des célébrités contemporaines et à des grands noms de l’histoire [en anglais seulement].
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8 mars 2024
Rebelle, génie, pionnière : la photographe Margaret Watkins. Un nouveau livre de l’IAC paraît aujourd’hui
En cette Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l’IAC célèbre Margaret Watkins : sa vie et son œuvre de Mary O’Connor, la seule publication en libre accès consacrée à cette pionnière de la photographie née à Hamilton [en anglais seulement].
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1 mars 2024
Gros plan : Ray Cronin sur l’œuvre de Maud Lewis Cabriolet décapotable et vache
À l’occasion de l’anniversaire de la légendaire artiste populaire néo-écossaise, le 7 mars, Ray Cronin, auteur de l’ouvrage de l’IAC, Maud Lewis : sa vie et son œuvre, est le rédacteur invité de cet article consacré à Roadster and Cow (Cabriolet décapotable et vache), vers les années 1960 [en anglais seulement].
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23 février 2024
Une question d’authenticité : les fausses esquisses attribuées à J. E. H. MacDonald du Groupe des Sept
Nous nous intéressons cette semaine à l’une des histoires qui a fait couler le plus d’encre en art canadien depuis une décennie : les dix fausses esquisses à l’huile aujourd’hui au cœur de l’exposition J.E.H. MacDonald? A Tangled Garden [J. E. H. MacDonald? Un jardin enchevêtré] du Musée des beaux-arts de Vancouver [en anglais seulement].
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16 février 2024
La famille Pratt : une dynastie artistique canadienne
À l'occasion de la Journée de la famille, lundi 19 janvier, nous nous intéressons au célèbre couple de peintres Mary et Christopher Pratt, ainsi qu’à leurs carrières extrêmement fructueuses et à l’héritage qu'ils ont transmis à leurs enfants, les artistes Barbara Pratt et Ned Pratt [en anglais seulement].
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9 février 2024
Le surréalisme au Canada : les mystères de l’inconscient
Pour souligner l’inauguration de l’exposition surréaliste historique d’Alfred Pellan à Paris, en février 1955, nous vous présentons des œuvres surréalistes canadiennes créées depuis cette époque [en anglais seulement].
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2 février 2024
Denyse Thomasos : peinture et vision épiques
Pour marquer le début du Mois de l’histoire des Noir·es, nous nous intéressons à l’œuvre, aux mots et à la carrière extraordinaires de l’artiste trinidadienne canadienne, aujourd’hui disparue, Denyse Thomasos (1964-2012) [en anglais seulement].
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26 janvier 2024
Gros plan : Dempsey Bob sur le chef-d’œuvre de la côte du Nord-Ouest, Wolf Headdress (Coiffe de loup)
L’exposition Wolves: The Art of Dempsey Bob (Loups : l’art de Dempsey Bob) en est à son dernier mois d’ouverture à la Kelowna Art Gallery. En l’honneur de cette vaste rétrospective itinérante, nous mettons en lumière Bob et sa pièce magistrale, Wolf Headdress (Coiffe de loup), 1988-1989 [en anglais seulement].
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19 janvier 2024
Bertram Brooker : précurseur radical de l’abstraction canadienne
Il y a 97 ans ce mois-ci, Bertram Brooker lançait son exposition solo, la première consacrée à la peinture abstraite au pays [en anglais seulement].
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12 janvier 2024
Agnes Martin et Glenn Gould : une connexion interdisciplinaire
Un fait inédit du monde de l’art et de l’histoire tient dans la rencontre entre deux artistes du Canada de renommée internationale, le pianiste Glenn Gould et la peintre Agnes Martin [en anglais seulement].
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5 janvier 2024
Le nouvelle année en art canadien : dix expositions à ne pas manquer
Les débuts de 2024 regorgent d’expositions incontournables donnant à voir le meilleur de l’art canadien [en anglais seulement].
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29 décembre 2023
Disparu·es, mais inoubliables : des vies vécues pour l'art
Des figures célèbres de l'art canadien sont évoquées par leurs collègues, leurs pairs et leurs ami·es [en anglais seulement].
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22 décembre 2023
Des histoires à célébrer : moments phares de 2023
Une sélection d'histoires qui nous inspire [en anglais seulement].
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15 décembre 2023
Moments de paix : quatre réflexions d'artistes
Voici des perspectives stimulantes et remplies d'espoir sur la paix, la communauté et notre monde interconnecté [en anglais seulement].
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8 décembre 2023
Takao Tanabe : le légendaire paysagiste canadien
Aujourd’hui, l’Institut de l’art canadien célèbre la publication de Takao Tanabe : sa vie et son œuvre, de Ian Thom, qui se penche sur la carrière prolifique de l’artiste reconnu comme un peintre, un graveur, un éducateur et un créateur visionnaire [en anglais seulement].
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1 décembre 2023
Concert d’éloges : les lauréat·es des prix d’art canadien de 2023
Qui a remporté les plus prestigieux prix artistiques cette année, au Canada? Voici un aperçu des talents qui, grâce à leurs œuvres novatrices, définissent et façonnent l'art au pays [en anglais seulement].
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24 novembre 2023
In the Know: November - 8 Stories on Art in Canada
Our monthly roundup of the top headlines and most talked about stories from the Canadian art world [en anglais seulement].
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17 novembre 2023
Françoise Sullivan at 100: Pioneer of Art & Dance
Still producing work in her eleventh decade, acclaimed Quebec sculptor, painter, photographer, and modern dancer Françoise Sullivan celebrated her one hundredth birthday this past June. The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is honouring her singular career with a new exhibition of recent paintings as well as major works from its collection [en anglais seulement].
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10 novembre 2023
Art and Remembrance: The Canvas of War
Two years ago, the Art Canada Institute published the groundbreaking and comprehensive War Art in Canada by Dr. Laura Brandon, CM. In honour of Remembrance Day tomorrow, we asked her to guest-edit this week’s newsletter [en anglais seulement].
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3 novembre 2023
Celebrating British Columbia’s First Internationally Acclaimed Woman Artist: The Groundbreaking Sophie Pemberton
Today, the Art Canada Institute celebrates the publication of Sophie Pemberton: Life & Work by Kathryn Bridge, which explores the Victoria, B.C.-born artist’s trailblazing international career. The significance of Pemberton’s role in Canadian art has only recently begun to be reassessed, despite the acclaim she received during her lifetime for her realist portraits and modern, Impressionist-influenced canvases [en anglais seulement].
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27 octobre 2023
In the Know: October - 10 Stories on Art in Canada
Our monthly roundup of news from across the country [en anglais seulement].
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20 octobre 2023
Jean Paul Riopelle & the Artists He Inspired
To mark the centennial of the birth of the Montreal-born artist, a new retrospective at the National Gallery of Canada revisits his epic oeuvre and its influence on generations of contemporary artists [en anglais seulement].
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13 octobre 2023
Creativity in the Maritime City: ACI’s Newest Publication Halifax Art and Artists
Today the Art Canada Institute proudly launches Halifax Art and Artists: An Illustrated History by Ray Cronin. A deep dive into art in one of Canada’s oldest settlements, the book explores how residents and visitors past and present have transformed the port city into a centre of artistic innovation [en anglais seulement].
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6 octobre 2023
The Close-Up: Fringe by Rebecca Belmore
October is Women’s History Month in Canada. To mark the occasion, we’re spotlighting renowned contemporary artist Rebecca Belmore and her powerful work Fringe, 2007, which honours the resilience of Indigenous women past and present [en anglais seulement].
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29 septembre 2023
In the Know: 10 Notable Stories on Art in Canada
As we head into autumn, we’re bringing you the most talked about stories from across the country [en anglais seulement].
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22 septembre 2023
10 Photography Pioneers From Our New Publication Photography in Canada, 1839–1989
Today the Art Canada Institute proudly publishes Photography in Canada, 1839–1989: An Illustrated History by Sarah Bassnett and Sarah Parsons. This publication—the first comprehensive book to be published on the history of the art form in Canada—tells the story of camera-based creativity from its introduction to the country in 1839 [en anglais seulement].
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15 septembre 2023
Six New Open-Access Books on Art In Canada: Titles Coming Soon
This year we proudly mark our tenth anniversary. Here’s a preview of the six new releases slated for the months ahead [en anglais seulement].
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8 septembre 2023
The Close-Up: Robert Houle & His Iconic Work Kanata
September 13 is the anniversary of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, fought 264 years ago between France and Britain. In his iconic 1992 work, Kanata, Saulteaux artist Robert Houle revisits not only this pivotal moment in Canadian history, but also one of North America’s most famed paintings—from a First Nations perspective [en anglais seulement].
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1 septembre 2023
An Artful Autumn: 11 Must-See Exhibitions
Usher in fall with exciting new shows featuring famed artists and outstanding young talents. [en anglais seulement]
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25 août 2023
In the Know: 11 Notable Stories on Art in Canada
Our monthly roundup of the latest developments in the Canadian art world. [en anglais seulement]
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18 août 2023
The Close-Up: On Jeff Wall & His "Picture for Women"
Tomorrow is World Photography Day, and to mark the occasion, we’re exploring Jeff Wall’s pioneering 1979 work, "Picture for Women." [en anglais seulement]
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11 août 2023
New Abstract Art in Canada: 10 Contemporary Painters
Sixty-eight years ago this month, in August 1955, the legendary Emma Lake Artists’ Workshops were first held in northern Saskatchewan, where avant-garde figures spearheaded the development of modernist abstraction in Canada. To honour this moment in history, we’re looking at ten painters who are following their legacy [en anglais seulement].
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4 août 2023
A Close Look at a Canadian Masterpiece: The Iconic Alex Colville Painting To Prince Edward Island, 1965
Few images of summer are as spellbinding as Alex Colville’s 1965 painting To Prince Edward Island. Here’s our in-depth look at a Canadian classic [en anglais seulement].
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28 juillet 2023
In the Know: 9 Notable Stories on Art in Canada
As July wraps up, we're bringing you the major headlines and most talked about stories from the Canadian art world [en anglais seulement].
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21 juillet 2023
Canadian Showstoppers: Summer Exhibitions to See
A roundup of some of the most compelling Canadian art on offer this summer [en anglais seulement].
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14 juillet 2023
For Muharram, the First Month of the Islamic New Year: 9 Commentaries on Artists to Watch
Based on the lunar Hijri calendar, Muharram is a holy month (second only to Ramadan in significance). In its honour, we asked Jamelie Hassan, artist, curator, and recipient of a Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts in 2001, to introduce us to groundbreaking talents of Muslim heritage [en anglais seulement].
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7 juillet 2023
Kanesatake Resistance: Seven Artists Weigh In
To mark the 33rd anniversary of the standoff that garnered headlines around the world, we take a close look at Indigenous art made in response to the Kanesatake Resistance, the resulting military response, and the complicated nature of reconciliation.
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30 juin 2023
In the Know: 10 Notable Stories on Art in Canada
Our monthly roundup of news from across the country [en anglais seulement].
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23 juin 2023
Boldly Rewriting Histories: Meet the Art Canada Institute 2023 Research Fellow Recipients
Three years ago, ACI set out to create a fellowship for groundbreaking scholars who are working to redefine the country’s art history. Today, we announce this year’s cohort.
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16 juin 2023
Family Matters: Creative Fathers and Children in Canadian Art
In honour of Father’s Day this Sunday, we’re spotlighting artist dads whose creativity and talent inspired their children to follow their lead [en anglais seulement].
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9 juin 2023
Announcing the Winners of the 2023 Great Canadian Art Inspiration Student Challenge
We asked secondary school students to create works based on the examples of Canadian art and its history for this competition, the only one of its kind in the country. Here’s what they came up with [en anglais seulement].
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2 juin 2023
Queer Creativity: 7 Trailblazers in Art in Canada
In celebration of Pride Month, we’re showcasing audacious, campy, and romantic works by famed 2SLGBTQI+ figures in Canadian art [en anglais seulement].
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26 mai 2023
In the Know: 10 Notable Stories on Art in Canada
Our monthly roundup of news from across the country [en anglais seulement].
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19 mai 2023
Camera Ready: Canadian Photography at Contact
Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival is the world’s largest annual celebration of its kind. Here’s a look at exhibitions that have caught our eye [en anglais seulement].
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12 mai 2023
My Mother, My Muse: Shelley Niro’s the Rebel
In honour of Mother’s Day on May 14, we’re taking a long look at one of the most iconic images in Canadian art [en anglais seulement].
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5 mai 2023
Six Asian Canadian Artists: Visionaries on Our Radar
May is Asian Heritage Month. To celebrate, we’re looking at some of today’s most innovative emerging and early-career Asian Canadian artists [en anglais seulement].
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28 avril 2023
In the Know: 9 Notable Stories on Art in Canada
Our inaugural monthly roundup of notable art news from across the country [en anglais seulement].
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21 avril 2023
Anatomy of a Crime: The Norval Morrisseau Art Forgeries
Investigators are calling it “the biggest art fraud in world history.” The primary victim is the “grandfather” of contemporary Indigenous art in Canada, Norval Morrisseau [en anglais seulement].
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14 avril 2023
The Enfant Terrible of Quebec Art: ACI’s Newest Publication on Modern Maverick Alfred Pellan
With the publication of Alfred Pellan: Life & Work by Maria Rosa Lehmann, ACI celebrates the landmark Quebec artist known for his controversial views, vibrant colours, and belief in the infinite possibilities of creative expression [en anglais seulement].
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7 avril 2023
Spring’s Awakening: A Closer Look at New Growth
In recognition of spring’s new growth, this long weekend we invite you to look closely at this intriguing botanical photograph [en anglais seulement].
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31 mars 2023
Six Double Takes: Realist Painters in Action
These Canadian artists and their true-to-life paintings make us question our perception of veracity [en anglais seulement].
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24 mars 2023
Making Waves: 9 Artists on the Politics of Water
Over the last week, leaders from around the globe have attended the UN 2023 Water Conference to focus on how the resource is a dealmaker for both sustainable development goals and our planet’s health. Here’s a look at how Canadian artists have examined our relationship to the earth’s most precious resource [en anglais seulement].
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17 mars 2023
Her Art, Her Ancestry, Her Words: Meryl McMaster Shares Her Story
The Ottawa-based artist walks us through her recently opened exhibition at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, which explores her Indigenous and European ancestry [en anglais seulement].
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10 mars 2023
Canadian Art at the Oscars: How Larry Towell’s photographs influenced Sarah Polley’s Women Talking
This Sunday, March 12, marks the 95th Academy Awards ceremony, and “Women Talking” (2022), written and directed by Canada’s Sarah Polley, is nominated for two Oscars. As Polley has explained, the work of renowned Canadian photographer Larry Towell was a key influence on her acclaimed film. Here’s a closer look [en anglais seulement].
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3 mars 2023
Know Her Name: Canadian Women Artists on the International Stage
In honour of International Women’s Day, we’re looking at women whose art transcends borders [en anglais seulement].
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24 février 2023
Rising Up: 7 Black Artists to Watch
In celebration of Black History Month, we talked to those in the know about rising talents whose careers you want to watch [en anglais seulement].
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22 février 2023
The Big Chill: Snow in Canadian Art
For centuries, artists have depicted snow in all its forms as an indelible part of the Canadian winter landscape [en anglais seulement].
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10 février 2023
The Look of Love: 12 Canadian Works
To mark Valentine’s Day, we’re featuring a dozen pieces that celebrate lovers, mothers, a Hollywood icon, and the staying power of an old flame [en anglais seulement].
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3 février 2023
Canadian Black Art Matters: About the Past and Present for a Better Tomorrow
February is Black History Month. These works honour the contributions, stories, and traditions of Black Canadians and their communities [en anglais seulement].
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27 janvier 2023
Loss, Survival, and Healing: Remembering the Holocaust
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we are sharing Canadian works that honour the resilience and stories of survivors and reflect on lessons from the past [en anglais seulement].
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20 janvier 2023
Pivotal & Pioneering Modernists: Montreal’s Beaver Hall
This month marks the anniversary of the Beaver Hall Group's first annual show in January 1921 [en anglais seulement].
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13 janvier 2023
Remembering Michael Snow: His Iconic, Irreverent, and Epic Talent
"My paintings are done by a filmmaker, my sculpture by a musician, my films by a painter, my music by a filmmaker, my paintings by a sculptor, my sculpture by a filmmaker, my films by a musician, my music by a sculptor… who sometimes all work together.” ~Michael Snow, 1967 [en anglais seulement]
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6 janvier 2023
Exhibitions for a New Year: 12 Great Winter Shows
Head into 2023 with this roundup of some of our favourite Canadian exhibitions [en anglais seulement].
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23 décembre 2022
From the ACI Team to You: Our Art Favourites of 2022
For our last newsletter of the year, here’s a showcase of unforgettable Canadian works spotted by the ACI team in the past twelve months [en anglais seulement].
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16 décembre 2022
Gone But Remembered Always: Canadian Art Lives Lived
This year saw the passing of many talents in the Canadian art world. They were individuals who changed this country’s cultural landscape and dared us to see things differently. We honour their memories with recollections from their loved ones, peers, and colleagues [en anglais seulement].
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9 décembre 2022
Making Their Mark on Canadian Art: 2022 Prize Winners
Our country’s most prestigious art awards honour figures at the forefront of visual culture. Here’s a look at who, over the last year, was honoured for their groundbreaking work [en anglais seulement].
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2 décembre 2022
Being Legendary by Kent Monkman, Published by ACI
The Art Canada Institute is delighted to announce the release of the book Being Legendary at Royal Ontario Museum: Confronting Colonialism, Rethinking History, created in partnership with the artist [en anglais seulement].
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25 novembre 2022
Calgary’s Trailblazing Modernist: ACI’s Newest Publication on the Art of Marion Nicoll
Marion Nicoll challenged gender norms and conservative attitudes in Calgary to usher in a modernist era with her innovative abstract paintings. Today the Art Canada Institute celebrates the publication of “Marion Nicoll: Life & Work” by Catharine Mastin, which explores the artist's extraordinary legacy [en anglais seulement].
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18 novembre 2022
Within these Walls: Quebec City Artists
On the birthday of the iconic Quebec City painter Jean Paul Lemieux (1904-1990), we are highlighting the artists who have gained acclaim within and beyond his beloved city [en anglais seulement].
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11 novembre 2022
Portraits of Valour To Honour and Respect
For Remembrance Day, we reflect on Canadian works that explore the contributions, sacrifices, and resilience of those who have served our country in pursuit of peace and justice [en anglais seulement].
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4 novembre 2022
Looking at Jin-me Yoon: ACI's Newest Publication by Author Ming Tiampo
Today the Art Canada Institute proudly releases a book about Jin-me Yoon, the first critical biography to explore her singular oeuvre and highlight the artist’s life and career [en anglais seulement].
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21 octobre 2022
Stealing the Show: Art Crime in Canada
Last week’s publication of “The Great Canadian Art Fraud Case: The Group of Seven and Tom Thomson Forgeries” by Jon S. Dellandrea had us take a look at this case and some of the most notorious art crimes in Canadian history [en anglais seulement].
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14 octobre 2022
Picturing Place: Latin American Artists in Canada
In 2018, the Parliament of Canada proclaimed October as Latin American Heritage Month. To celebrate, we're highlighting works by artists from the region that explore questions of place and identity [en anglais seulement].
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7 octobre 2022
New Season, New Narratives: 14 Essential Autumn Exhibitions
As we settle into fall, museums across the country exhibit a stellar set of shows that challenge conventional histories and art-making [en anglais seulement].
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30 septembre 2022
Elegies of Survival: 10 Indigenous Artists Remember Residential Schools
The work of many of this country’s most celebrated artists documents one of its darkest moments in history. On National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, take a moment to look at it [en anglais seulement].
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23 septembre 2022
Blowing the Horn for Canadian Jewish Art
On Sunday, Jews around the world will listen to sounds of the shofar—a ram’s-horn trumpet created in ancient times—to mark the start of Hebraic year 5783 and fall’s High Holidays. In celebration, we’re ringing out a roster of artworks exploring the cultural vibrancy of Judaism in Canada [en anglais seulement].
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16 septembre 2022
Open Books on Canadian Art: ACI's 2022–2023 Season
Since 2013, when the Art Canada Institute was founded, we have published a dozen open-access art books each year, released from fall through spring. Here’s a preview of what’s coming up in the months ahead [en anglais seulement].
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9 septembre 2022
12 Art Arguments, Controversies & Disputes
The last century of Canadian art has seen many altercations. With the recent outcry over Ken Lum’s “The Buffalo and the Buffalo Fur Trader,” a new type of dispute comes to the fore [en anglais seulement].
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2 septembre 2022
The Way We Work: 10 Canadian Looks at Labour
Heading into Monday’s holiday, we’re showcasing artists who celebrate, challenge, and, in some cases, hope to change the way we think about work [en anglais seulement].
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26 août 2022
“Together We Broke Down Barriers”: Norval Morrisseau & the Rise of the Professional Native Indian Artists Incorporated
In the early 1970s a group of seven artists known as the Professional Native Indian Artists Incorporated (PNIAI) broke new ground in the representation, proliferation, and dissemination of First Nations art practices in Canada [en anglais seulement].
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19 août 2022
Alex Colville's Radical Realism
Next week marks the birthday of Canada’s famed Maritime painter. To celebrate the occasion, we’re turning to ACI’s publication “Alex Colville: Life & Work,” where author Ray Cronin explores the artist’s enigmatic scenes that consider relationships between nature and machines, humans and animals, and order and chaos [en anglais seulement].
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12 août 2022
Young at Art: 12 Early Creators
Today is International Youth Day—commemorated every year on August 12. To mark it, we’re looking at accomplished works that established and emerging Canadian artists produced in the early days of their careers [en anglais seulement].
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5 août 2022
Rebels with a Cause: On “Refus global” Turning 74
Seventy-four years ago, on August 9, 1948, the avant-garde artists known as the Automatistes sent shock waves through society with the release of the anti-religious manifesto “Refus global.” Today the document is revered not only as the most important cultural publication in Quebec’s history, but for propelling the province into the modern era [en anglais seulement].
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29 juillet 2022
A Taste for Travel: 11 Canadian Works
Inspired by the promise of adventure this long weekend, we're showcasing artists who capture the pleasures of travel and the destinations that enchanted them [en anglais seulement].
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22 juillet 2022
Ottawa Art & Artists: A Capital for Creativity
The ACI proudly publishes “Ottawa Art & Artists: An Illustrated History“ by Jim Burant, which explores the work of talented creators from the pre-contact era to the present who have made a lasting impact on the rich culture of the city [en anglais seulement].
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15 juillet 2022
The Shape of Water: 11 Canadian Works
With its offer of clarity, purity, refreshment, and mystery, summer has long brought water’s transfixing qualities and sublime beauty into the focus of artists [en anglais seulement].
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8 juillet 2022
Natural Attraction: 10 Nunavut Landscapes
July 9 is Nunavut Day, which commemorates Parliament’s approval of the Nunavut Act, making the region a Canadian territory. To celebrate, we’re highlighting Inuit creators and artists from the South whose work is profoundly inspired by the majestic beauty of this northern landscape.
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1 juillet 2022
Canada & Questions: 13 Essential Works
On Canada Day, we’re looking at eye-opening art that makes us rethink conventional narratives of our nation’s identity and history [en anglais seulement].
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24 juin 2022
Boldly Rewriting Histories: Meet the ACI 2022 Inaugural Research Fellows
Two years ago, we set out to create Canada’s only initiative to redefine this country’s art history through a fellowship for ground-breaking scholars. Today we announce this year’s recipients [en anglais seulement].
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17 juin 2022
Family Guy: Portraits of Fatherhood
Diverse perspectives on what it means to be a father and to forge an irreplaceable bond with one’s children [en anglais seulement].
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10 juin 2022
Canadian Showstoppers: Summer Exhibitions To See
Take a break from the heat at museums across the country and visit these not-to-be-missed shows of Canadian art [en anglais seulement].
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3 juin 2022
General Idea: Queering Canadian Art
Emerging out of 1960s counterculture, the pioneering Toronto-based artist trio known as General Idea became famed for their provocative critiques of celebrity, media, and consumption as well as for their taboo-breaking works about the AIDS crisis. A new retrospective at the National Gallery of Canada highlights the group’s immense impact within our country and internationally [en anglais seuelement].
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27 mai 2022
Gathie Falk & Her Appetite for Art
For more than six decades, artist Gathie Falk has crafted surreal and dreamlike works that recast everyday items like fruit, shoes, and sofas as objects of wonder. Today the Art Canada Institute celebrates the publication of “Gathie Falk: Life & Work” by Michelle Jacques, which explores the incredible diversity of a pivotal practice grounded in what the artist calls the “veneration of the ordinary.” [en anglais seulement]
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20 mai 2022
Northern Exposure: Canadian Photography at CONTACT
The Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival is currently on through the month of May. We’re sharing some of our favourite highlights from the world’s largest event dedicated to the medium [en anglais seulement].
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13 mai 2022
Lasting Legacies: 12 Influential Asian Canadian Artists
This Asian Heritage Month, we’re celebrating the achievements of figures past and present who have made their mark on Canadian art [en anglais seulement].
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6 mai 2022
Memorable Mothers: Canadian Works We Love
Eleven artists from across the country honour mothers and the strength, joy, care, and wisdom they bring to our lives [en anglais seulement].
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29 avril 2022
Arnaud Maggs: The Big Picture
Arnaud Maggs was a successful graphic designer and magazine photographer before he became renowned for his images of faces and objects presented in grids. Today the Art Canada Institute proudly publishes “Arnaud Maggs: Life & Work” by Anne Cibola, which explores how the artist chronicled people and paraphernalia with layers of meaning [en anglais seulement].
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22 avril 2022
On Arts International Stage—Stan Douglas: 2011 ≠ 1848 at the Venice Biennale
This week the 59th Venice Biennale opened—also known as the Olympics of the art world. Canada is represented by Vancouver’s multidisciplinary, internationally revered talent Stan Douglas, whose art questions historic reactions to political and economic inequality and the interconnected potency of global calls for change [en anglais seulement].
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8 avril 2022
Making Art History: The Subversive and Sensual Provocations of Kent Monkman
The Art Canada Institute is proud to announce the release of “Kent Monkman: Life & Work” by Shirley Madill, the first comprehensive book on the internationally celebrated talent whose bold interventions into Western art history have transformed contemporary visual culture and made him the only Canadian artist to be commissioned by The Metropolitan Museum of Art [en anglais seulement].
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1 avril 2022
The Art of Illusion: Twelve Canadian Works
Playing with perception, these mesmerizing pieces challenge our understandings of the familiar, demonstrate the technical skills of their creators, and stimulate new ways of seeing our world [en anglais seulement].
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25 mars 2022
Radical Beauty: Impressionism in Canada
Impressionism is one of the most famous and beloved styles of art. Yet until now our country's contribution to this international art movement has been little known. A new exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada will change this [en anglais seulement].
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18 mars 2022
Who are You? The Art of Shary Boyle
Last month, Shary Boyle’s bold exhibition “Outside the Palace of Me” opened at Toronto’s Gardiner Museum. The Art Canada Institute published the book that accompanies the show, featuring unforgettable works that offer a commentary on identity in the early twenty-first century and reflections on how, through a reconsideration of our actions, we may achieve a more just, joyous, and tolerant future [en anglais seulement].
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11 mars 2022
Breaking the Bias: Ten Women Artists Shattering Stereotypes
Combating gender inequality and discrimination in its many forms, these artists have created thought-provoking works that expose destructive societal biases while shedding light on disregarded experiences and histories [en anglais seulement].
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4 mars 2022
“Totally Devastated by What Is Happening Now in Ukraine”
Russia’s unprovoked assault on Ukraine now enters its second week. More than one million refugees have fled its borders as civilian casualties intensify. In this country—which has the world’s third largest Ukrainian population—the powerful work of Ukrainian Canadian artists urges us to stand in solidarity with those calling for our help [en anglais seulement].
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18 février 2022
Our Families, Our Art: 12 Canadian Works
How families in Canada look and are defined has evolved and expanded over the centuries. These artists reflect on what family means to them and the importance of preserving and passing on traditions, stories, and values through the generations [en anglais seulement].
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11 février 2022
The Art of Affection: 12 Canadian Works
Gripped by feelings of desire and devotion, these artists depict love in all its beauty, power, and complexity [en anglais seulement].
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4 février 2022
Beauty, Joy, and Belonging: Photography of the African Diaspora
Toronto’s Dr. Kenneth Montague has established one of the world’s most revered art collections dedicated to African diasporic culture and contemporary Black life. Now a new book about this insightful, innovative, and internationally celebrated body of work explores how photographers picture Black identity [en anglais seulement].
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28 janvier 2022
Lives Lost and Remembered: Reflecting on the Holocaust
To mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, we are featuring Canadian works that honour the victims of the Holocaust and reflect on its enduring legacy [en anglais seulement].
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14 janvier 2022
Get Outside: 10 Artful Reasons
So long as gathering indoors remains unsafe, we are taking a cue from some of Canada’s most revered creators who reveal that heading outside is the way to go.
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7 janvier 2022
The Ordinary Extraordinary: 10 Canadian Sights
Canadian artists have long been stimulated by the quotidian beauty of their homes, neighbourhoods, and cities. Now we’re taking inspiration from them [en anglais seulement].
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17 décembre 2021
Jewels of Winter From Us to You: 14 Seasonal Favourites
For our last newsletter of 2021, the ACI team is sharing Canadian works that highlight what we love most about the holiday season [en anglais seulement].
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10 décembre 2021
Taking the Prize: 2021 Art Award Winners
Who won this year’s most prestigious art prizes honouring the outstanding achievements of leading Canadian creators? Here’s a round-up of the voices who are shaping the future of contemporary art [en anglais seulement].
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3 décembre 2021
Faces of Our Time: Photographs of Yousuf Karsh
Yousuf Karsh is one of the greatest portrait photographers of the twentieth century. A new exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts explores how the unrivalled talent and distinctive style of this famed Canadian artist made him sought after by the most influential figures of his era [en anglais seulement].
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26 novembre 2021
Season’s Readings: Six Great Holiday Gifts
For the art lovers in your life, the Art Canada Institute has you covered with this selection of our beautifully illustrated and insightful books guaranteed to both provoke and delight [en anglais seulement].
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19 novembre 2021
Riopelle's Magnetic North: A Contemporary Take on an Historic Great
Jean Paul Riopelle is Canada’s most internationally renowned twentieth-century painter. Yet until now little discussion about his work has addressed how the Montreal artist was inspired by Indigenous art and the northern landscape. A travelling exhibition uncovers new insights and raises timely questions about these aspects of the famed creator’s output [en anglais seulement].
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11 novembre 2021
Lest We Forget: Art of Remembrance
On this Remembrance Day, the Art Canada Institute proudly publishes "War Art in Canada: A Critical History" by Laura Brandon. As well, tonight we are hosting an ACI Art Talk to launch the book and explore how war artists have shaped our nation’s history and honoured those who bravely and selflessly served their country [en anglais seulement].
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5 novembre 2021
Best in Show: Must-See Exhibitions of the Season
Immerse yourself in the best of Canadian and international art through these stellar exhibitions currently on view across the country [en anglais seulement].
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29 octobre 2021
Supernatural Sightings: Eleven Canadian Works
To mark Halloween this Sunday, we’re looking at artists who have a gift for making the familiar seem very strange [en anglais seulement].
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22 octobre 2021
Looking at the Overlooked: Announcing ACI's New Canadian History Fellowships
The history of Canadian art exhibited in museums, taught in schools, and written in books has been dominated by white male artists. Through the annual funding of five transformative scholarships—each valued at $30,000—that spotlight artists who have long been marginalized, ACI’s Redefining Canadian Art History Fellowships will change how we understand this country’s cultural narrative [en anglais seulement].
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15 octobre 2021
Karen Tam: Celebrating the Resilience of Chinese Canadians
Responding to the recent rise in anti-Asian violence and discrimination, the Montreal artist explores the challenges and resilience of Chinese Canadians since the nineteenth century in ACI’s new online exhibition [en anglais seulement].
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8 octobre 2021
Fall of the Wild: Ten Canadian Scenes
Autumn is in the air. Inspired by its distinctive hues and intense energy, these artists offer vivid depictions of nature in transition [en anglais seulement].
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1 octobre 2021
Introducing Canada’s Uninvited Modern Women Artists
The Group of Seven’s all-male membership left their exceptionally talented female contemporaries underrecognized. A groundbreaking new exhibition at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection advances a powerful new narrative [en anglais seulement].
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24 septembre 2021
Mad for Maud: Why We Love Lewis
In the ACI's new book, Ray Cronin tells the story of Maud Lewis (1901–1970), a prolific painter whose brightly coloured depictions of the landscapes, animals, and flowers of Nova Scotia redefined folk art and whose indomitable spirit continues to captivate [en anglais seulement].
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17 septembre 2021
The Politics of Art: Canadian Creators on Matters of the State
As Canada heads to the polls on September 20th, we look at artists across the country who have explored pivotal political moments [en anglais seulement].
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10 septembre 2021
The Day that Changed the World: Canadian Artists Remember 9/11
September 11, 2021, marks the twentieth anniversary of the September 11 attacks—unprecedented events that left the world reeling. These artists reflect on the wide-ranging impacts of this day on America, our country, and humanity as a whole [en anglais seulement].
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3 septembre 2021
Our Future Artists: Winners of the Canadian Art Inspiration Contest
Last spring the Art Canada Institute asked students across Canada to offer a fresh interpretation of some of this country’s greatest works of art. Today we are proud to share the results of our inaugural creative challenge [en anglais seulement].
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27 août 2021
Six New Books for Canadian Art Lovers
The Art Canada Institute is proud to announce the next season of the Canadian Online Art Book Project—coming soon in 2021 & 2022 [en anglais seulement].
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20 août 2021
Photography Pioneers: Twelve Canadian Artists
In honour of this week’s World Photography Day, we’re looking at some of this country’s innovators who have helped define the medium since its mid-nineteenth-century creation [en anglais seulement].
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13 août 2021
Rembrandt van Rijn: Canada’s Contemporary Lens On the Dutch Old Master
The National Gallery of Canada’s new exhibition on Rembrandt is the first major show of the revered painter’s work to go on display in this country since 1969—and the first to connect the Dutch Republic of Rembrandt’s time and seventeenth-century Turtle Island [en anglais seulement].
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6 août 2021
Inspired by Tom Thomson: 12 Canadian Artists Respond
This week, on August 5, 1877, in Claremont, Ontario, one of the country’s most famed artists was born. Both loved and contested, arguably no other painter has had as indelible an impact on the country’s cultural landscape as he did. To mark the anniversary of Thomson’s birth, we’re looking at contemporary works that address his extraordinary achievement [en anglais seulement].
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30 juillet 2021
Sights of Summer: Twelve Canadian Works
As the country reopens, the season feels especially ripe. These works of art from across Canada celebrate the brightest time of the year [en anglais seulement].
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23 juillet 2021
The Art of Athletics: Ten Canadian Works
Sports have long served as a rich source of creative inspiration. On the opening day of the Olympic Summer Games in Tokyo, we’re highlighting art that explores the world of athletics [en anglais seulement].
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16 juillet 2021
True Patriot Love: Remembering Joyce Wieland’s Landmark Canadian Exhibition
On the anniversary of one of the National Gallery of Canada’s most famed exhibitions, we’re looking at its creator, Joyce Wieland, her provocative and singular vision, and why her work continues to resonate today [en anglais seulement].
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9 juillet 2021
Bright Northern Lights: Ten Artists of Nunavut
This Nunavut Day, we’re showcasing works by some of the most prominent modern and contemporary Inuit artists from the northernmost territory in Canada [en anglais seulement].
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2 juillet 2021
Robert Houle: Art for Mourning and a Call for Change
Saulteaux artist and curator Robert Houle has played a crucial role in initiating discussions about political and cultural issues surrounding First Nations peoples. At a time of mourning and urgent need for change, his art has particular poignance, encouraging a renewed vision of the world [en anglais seulement].
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25 juin 2021
Mastery of Metal: The Sculpture of Robert Murray
Some of Canada’s best-known public sculptures are by the revered abstract artist Robert Murray. In ACI’s new online exhibition we are showcasing his large-scale steel and aluminum constructions and their transformative effect [en anglais seulement].
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18 juin 2021
Faces of Fatherhood: Ten Canadian Works
These artists’ intimate reflections explore heartfelt and often-overlooked aspects of men’s lives—and those who love them [en anglais seulement].
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11 juin 2021
Calculated Beauty: The Art and Science of Kazuo Nakamura
Today the Art Canada Institute proudly publishes Kazuo Nakamura: Life & Work by John G. Hatch, which tells the story of how the Japanese Canadian Nakamura persevered through internment during the Second World War to become an internationally renowned painter and a creator of compositions inspired by nature, science, and mathematics [en anglais seulement].
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4 juin 2021
Portraits of Pride: Works by Ten Canadian Artists
June marks the celebration of Pride Month. Saluting many of the greatest figures in Canadian art who are part of the LGBTQ2S+ community, we’re showcasing works of early pioneering artists alongside those by important creators working today [en anglais seulement].
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28 mai 2021
Frontier Camera Man: The Remarkable Story of Chinese Canadian C.D. Hoy
As we celebrate Asian Heritage Month, today the Art Canada Institute presents an online exhibition on a groundbreaking photographer whose work documents a multicultural community at the turn of the century [en anglais seulement].
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21 mai 2021
Artful Excursions: 12 Visual Getaways
While we wait to journey outside of our cities, we’re looking at twelve artists whose works transport us to captivating locales in Canada and abroad [en anglais seulement].
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14 mai 2021
Magnetic Vision: The Group of Seven and Emily Carr at 101
Passionate that unique Canadian art could spring from encounters with nature, the Group of Seven initiated the country’s first major national art movement with landscape-inspired paintings and an enduring legacy—celebrated this spring in three exhibitions [en anglais seulement].
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7 mai 2021
Mother and Muse: Eleven Canadian Works
Reflecting on the theme of motherhood, artists from across the country capture the joys, struggles, and wide-ranging experiences of being a mother [en anglais seulement].
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30 avril 2021
The Art of Money: Colville’s Centennial Coins
Fifty-four years ago Expo 67 opened in Montreal—and the coins created by revered Canadian painter Alex Colville were a part of the world fair festivities. On the anniversary of the event ACI is launching a new online exhibition about the famed currency that marked the country’s 100-year celebration of Confederation [en anglais seulement].
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23 avril 2021
Our Earth, Our Art: Eleven Canadian Works
In recognition of this week’s Earth Day, we’re looking at artists who highlight not only the planet’s beauty but also its role as the very foundation of life and culture [en anglais seulement].
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16 avril 2021
Qaumajuq’s Bright Northern Light: Forging the Future of Inuit Art
Dr. Stephen Borys, director and CEO of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, on the making of the world’s largest museum of Inuit art [en anglais seulement].
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9 avril 2021
Master of the Monument: The Genius of Walter S. Allward
The Battle of Vimy Ridge not only defined a key military moment for Canada, it marked a turning point in the nation’s art history [en anglais seulement].
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2 avril 2021
Wishing You a Safe and Happy Long Weekend
Over the break, explore our collection of newsletters, featuring curated selections of groundbreaking historical and contemporary Canadian art [en anglais seulement].
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26 mars 2021
Sensations of Spring: Twelve Canadian Works
Captivated by the optimistic spirit of the new season, these pieces explore nature’s magnificent reawakening and the continuity of cultural traditions [en anglais seulement].
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19 mars 2021
Courting Controversy: 10 Canadian Art Provocations
Disrupting public expectations of art, these polarizing works sparked passionate debates among critics and everyday citizens across the country [en anglais seulement].
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12 mars 2021
William Notman: Then and Now
Canada’s first internationally famed photographer, Montreal-based William Notman was a pioneer of Canadian image making whose iconic works continue to inspire artists today [en anglais seulement].
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5 mars 2021
Choose to Challenge: Twelve Visionary Women Artists
Forging their own paths in a male-dominated art world, these distinguished women have transformed Canadian art through their unique vision, talent, and leadership [disponible en anglais seulement].
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26 février 2021
Role Play: The Many Faces of Suzy Lake
Decades before “the selfie” sparked a cultural revolution, Suzy Lake altered the course of art history by making herself the subject of her photographs. Today the Art Canada Institute proudly publishes “Suzy Lake: Life & Work” by Erin Silver, which explores how throughout Lake’s celebrated career she used her camera to push the boundaries of photography and inspire a new generation of artists [en anglais seulement].
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19 février 2021
Living in Colour: Canadian Chroma
Beat the winter blues with these bright works. Here are twelve artists drawn to sumptuous hues and the splendour of colour [en anglais seulement].
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12 février 2021
The Look of Love: The Art of Affection
How do Canadian artists depict devotion and adoration? Here’s a showcase of ten works [en anglais seulement].
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5 février 2021
Artist and Abolitionist: Edward Mitchell Bannister
ACI’s new online exhibition explores the life and work of this Canadian-born Black painter, who achieved international recognition while fighting against slavery and racial segregation [en anglais seulement].
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29 janvier 2021
Commemorating, Remembering, and Bearing Witness
International Holocaust Day through the works of Canada’s artists [en anglais seulement]
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22 janvier 2021
Art, Activism, Politics: A Canadian Commentary
Works by those who have waded into the sociopolitical discourse, using their creativity as a force for change [en anglais seulement]
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15 janvier 2021
Brave New Worlds: Shuvinai Ashoona’s Art
Shuvinai Ashoona has forged a fantastical, elaborate style of drawing by fusing Inuit tradition and Western popular culture with her extraordinary imagination. ACI’s new online exhibition explores how her astonishing images of surreal settings and otherworldly creatures have made this Nunavut-based artist an internationally celebrated name [en anglais seulement].
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8 janvier 2021
Fresh Starts: Eleven Canadian Artistic Reinventions
Galvanized by inspiration and creative transformation, these visual artists steered their practice in dramatically different directions [en anglais seulement].
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31 décembre 2020
Robert Houle: Rebel and Iconoclast
A look at Houle’s transformative role in First Nations art [en anglais seulement].
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18 décembre 2020
Eight Great Holiday Works: Some Favourites from Us to You
For our last newsletter of 2020, the ACI team presents some of our favourite winter scenes that celebrate the season [en anglais seulement].
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11 décembre 2020
Catalyst for Change: Iljuwas Bill Reid
Few twentieth-century artists have been catalysts for the reclamation of a culture. In the ACI’s new art book Iljuwas Bill Reid: Life & Work, the celebrated curator and scholar Gerald McMaster makes it clear that the iconic Northwest Coast creator was one of them [en anglais seulement].
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4 décembre 2020
On the Money: Pitseolak Ashoona
Ten reasons why the great Kinngait artist deserves to be on our next five-dollar bill [en anglais seulement].
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27 novembre 2020
Michael Snow: This and That
A new exhibition reveals the path that led the artist to his internationally renowned Walking Woman series—and far beyond [en anglais seulement].
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20 novembre 2020
American Beauty: Canadian Artists in the USA
As American Thanksgiving approaches, and as we watch historic events unfold south of the border, this week we are looking at ten Canadian artists who have made an indelible mark on American art with work that transcends geographical borders [en anglais seulement].
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13 novembre 2020
William Brymner: Putting Canada on the Map
ACI's new book reveals the story of how one artist managed to inspire generations of students to embrace innovation [en anglais seulement].
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11 novembre 2020
Honour and Sacrifice: The Art of Remembrance
Explore artists’ images of war with works that pay homage to our country’s armed forces and all those who served [en anglais seulement].
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30 octobre 2020
Terrible Beauties - Haunting Canadian Art
Subtly eerie and downright terrifying, in this week’s showcase of works, artists bring the fearsome and the fantastical to life [en anglais seulement].
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24 octobre 2020
Kent Monkman Matters
Why mistikôsiwak (Wooden Boat People) is more resonant than ever [en anglais seulement].
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21 octobre 2020
Join Us In Celebrating Canadian Art & Artists At Art Toronto 2020
Canada’s largest and most celebrated art fair goes digital and cross-country for the first time in 21 years. We are honoured to be hosting two talks [en anglais seulement].
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16 octobre 2020
Art for Social Change
Striving for equality and social justice, these artists have dedicated their work to forging meaningful change [en anglais seulement].
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9 octobre 2020
Falling into Canadian Fall
Harvesting, migration, colours, and celebration: enjoy the season through these 12 works [en anglais seulement].
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2 octobre 2020
Creativity in the Time of COVID
Commenting on fear, comfort, healing, and change, artists are marking history with these works [en anglais seulement].
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25 septembre 2020
New Books on Five Trailblazing Artists
Five additions to ACI’s Canadian Online Art Book Project spotlight some of the country’s foremost visionaries [en anglais seulement].
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18 septembre 2020
On William Kurelek: Painter and Prophet
While popularizing Prairie life, he expounded humanity’s limitations [en anglais seulement].
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11 septembre 2020
Famous Canadian Art Educators and Their Students
A look at who taught who [en anglais seulement].
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4 septembre 2020
Make It Work: 13 Canadian Artists on Labour
Art that brings the meaning of industry, employment, toil, and effort into focus [en anglais seulement].
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28 août 2020
Helen McNicoll’s Radical Light
An insightful commentary on the famed Canadian Impressionist [en anglais seulement].
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21 août 2020
Summer Highlights Part II
Back by popular demand: 10 more Canadian works celebrating the season [en anglais seulement].
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14 août 2020
Saskatchewan’s Famed Emma Lake Artists
Summer Workshops that Changed Canada [en anglais seulement].
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31 juillet 2020
Canadian Summer Scenes Part I
Iconic depictions of the best of the season [en anglais seulement].
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24 juillet 2020
Go West: Celebrating the Work of Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald
Why He Was Much More Than the Group of Seven’s Only Prairies-Based Member [en anglais seulement].
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17 juillet 2020
Get Outside: Canadian Public Art Encounters
Some of our favourite public art installations from across the country [en anglais seulement].
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10 juillet 2020
Re-Joyce! Wieland!
Joyce Wieland: Remembering Canada's first living woman artist to have a solo exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada [en anglais seulement].
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3 juillet 2020
Looking at Me: 10 Canadian Self-Portraits
Studies of the self that offer insight into this country and its creators [en anglais seulement].
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26 juin 2020
Annie Pootoogook’s Northern Revolution
ACI’s newly released Annie Pootoogook: Life & Work reveals how one artist transformed the world’s understanding of Inuit art [en anglais seulement].
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20 juin 2020
Our Fathers, Our Art: Great Canadian Works
Ten artworks we love that celebrate all aspects of the paternal [en anglais seulement].
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12 juin 2020
Seeing the Future with General Idea
What the art of AA Bronson, Felix Partz, and Jorge Zontal can teach us about tomorrow [en anglais seulement].
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29 mai 2020
Tranquil Beauty: 10 Canadian Still Lifes
Enjoy this week’s selection of works illustrating the extraordinary range of still lifes in Canadian art [en anglais seulement].
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22 mai 2020
Why We Love Greg Curnoe’s Art — Especially now
This formidable multidisciplinary artist changed our country with his technicolour anti-establishment output, his nationalist politics, and his passionate belief in regionalism [en anglais seulement].
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15 mai 2020
Ten Canadian Art Escapes
Take a trip to these destinations presented by some of our most celebrated artists [en anglais seulement].
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8 mai 2020
Our Mothers, Our Art: Canadian Works We Love
Ten artists and ten art historians celebrate all aspects of the maternal [en anglais seulement].
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1 mai 2020
Watch 5 Favourite Canadian Art Talks
Five great Canadian art historians on five remarkable artists [en anglais seulement].
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24 avril 2020
The Magic of Mary Pratt: New ACI Book
ACI’s latest book, Mary Pratt: Life & Work by Ray Cronin, reveals the story of this iconic Newfoundland artist [en anglais seulement].
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16 avril 2020
The Joy of Canadian Art: 10 Works You Want to Know
Our round-up of some of the country’s most engaging works held in public galleries across the nation and abroad [en anglais seulement].
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9 avril 2020
The Comfort of Colville: Inspiration in an uncertain time from an iconic Canadian artist
How the beloved East Coast artist Alex Colville forged order through chaos in his paintings of everyday life [en anglais seulement].
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2 avril 2020
Stay Home with Kent Monkman
Now available-online (free) and in print-the book about the groundbreaking art event at The Met [en anglais seulement].
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18 mars 2020
ACI March Newsletter
Discover new Canadian art history articles, videos, and features, available online at the Art Canada Institute! [en anglais seulement]
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18 mars 2020
The Comfort of Canadian Art During Social Distancing
ACI is committed to bringing the world stories about Canadian art and artists at a time when they are needed more than ever [en anglais seulement].
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9 mars 2020
ACI announces the publication of Revision and Resistance
This new art book chronicles internationally acclaimed cree artist Kent Monkman's groundbreaking commission mistikôsiwak (Wooden Boat People) at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York [en anglais seulement].
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11 février 2020
ACI February Newsletter
Discover new Canadian art history articles, videos, and features, available online at the Art Canada Institute! [en anglais seulement]
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14 janvier 2020
ACI January Newsletter
Discover new Canadian art history articles, videos, and features, available online at the Art Canada Institute! [en anglais seulement]
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