A Surrealist Perspective
Jock Macdonald’s first major retrospective in 30 years maps history of abstract art in Canada
This week The Robert McLaughlin Gallery launched Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form, the largest retrospective of Macdonald’s work in over thirty years, organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, and The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa. The exhibition maps Macdonald’s career from his early paintings in Vancouver to his Painters Eleven abstractions in Toronto —revealing many previously unknown works along the way. To learn more about this painter, watercolourist, printmaker, and illustrator, be sure to check out the ACI’s online art book by Joyce Zemans, slated for release next year!
Jock Macdonald, Fish Playground (Terrain de jeu pour poissons), 1946, aquarelle sur papier, 32 x 39 cm, Alberta Foundation for the Arts.