The works of Alfred Pellan are held in public and private collections in Canada and internationally. Although the following institutions hold the works listed below, they may not always be on view.
Art Gallery of Ontario
317 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Femme d’une pomme (Lady with Apple), 1943
Oil on canvas
161 x 129.7 cm
Art Windsor-Essex
401 Riverside Drive West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Peintre au paysage (Artist in Landscape), c.1935
Oil on canvas
79 x 180 cm
Canada Council Art Bank
921 St. Laurent Boulevard
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1-800-263-5588, ext. 4479

Alfred Pellan, Baroquerie (Baroquerie), 1970
Oil on canvas
91.5 x 63.5 cm
Centre Pompidou
Place Georges-Pompidou
Paris, France
+33 (0)1 44 78 12 33

Alfred Pellan, Nature morte à la lampe (Still Life with Lamp), 1932
Oil on canvas
65 x 81 cm

Alfred Pellan, La chouette (The Owl), 1954
Oil, sand, and various materials on canvas
208 x 166.5 cm
Dalhousie Art Gallery
6101 University Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Les carnivores (The Carnivores), 1966
Oil on wood
70.8 x 51.2 cm
Davis Museum at Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States of America

Alfred Pellan, Instruments de musique – A (Musical Instruments – A), 1933
Oil on canvas
132 x 195.5 cm
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1380 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Alfred Pellan, L’amour fou (Hommage à André Breton) (Mad Love [Homage to André Breton]), 1954
Oil on canvas
115.5 x 80 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jardin rouge (Red Garden), 1958
Oil, silica, and modelling clay on canvas
104.5 x 187 cm
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
185 Saint Catherine Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Sous-terre (Underground), 1938
Oil on canvas
33 x 35 cm

Alfred Pellan, Mascarade (Masquerade), c.1939–42
Oil on canvas
130.5 x 162.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Nature morte aux deux couteaux (Still Life with Two Knives), 1942
Oil on cardboard
101.7 x 76 cm

Alfred Pellan, Quatre femmes (Four Women), 1944–47
Oil on canvas
208.4 × 167.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Mutons…, 1974
Serigraph, H.C. 4/6
111.8 x 81.2 cm
Musée d’art de Joliette
145 Rue du Père-Wilfrid-Corbeil
Joliette, Quebec, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Croissant de lune (Crescent Moon), 1960
Oil and India ink on paper glued to plywood
29.5 x 21.5 cm
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
179 Grande Allée Ouest
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Les fraises (Strawberries), 1920
Oil on cardboard glued onto plywood
33 x 43 cm

Alfred Pellan, Le port de Québec (Port of Quebec), 1922
Oil on canvas glued to wood fibreboard
36.8 x 74.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Autoportrait (Self-Portrait), 1928
Oil on cardboard
30.5 x 23.3 cm

Alfred Pellan, Nature morte no 22 (Still Life no. 22), c.1930
Oil on canvas
73 x 54 cm

Alfred Pellan, Portrait de femme (Portrait of a Woman), c.1930
Oil on canvas
55.5 x 45.6 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jeune homme (Young Man), 1931–34
Ink and charcoal on paper
44.3 x 29.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, De la tête aux pieds, Monsavon, savon crème (“From head to toe, Monsavon, cream soap”), 1933
Gouache on wood fibreboard
120 x 79.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Fruits au compotier (Fruit in a Fruit Bowl), c.1934
Oil on plywood
80 x 119.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jeune fille au col blanc (Young Girl with White Collar), c.1934
Oil on canvas
91.7 x 73.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, La table verte (The Green Table), c.1934
Oil on canvas
54.3 x 81 cm

Alfred Pellan, Les tulipes (Tulips), 1934–35
Oil on canvas
55 x 46.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Le bûcheron (The Lumberjack), 1935–40
Charcoal on paper
37.1 x 27 cm

Alfred Pellan, Vénus et le taureau (Venus and the Bull), c.1938
Oil on canvas
73.5 x 50 cm

Alfred Pellan, La spirale (The Spiral), 1939
Oil on canvas
73 x 54 cm

Alfred Pellan, Fleurs et dominos (Flowers and Dominoes), c.1940
Oil on canvas
116 x 89.4 cm

Alfred Pellan, Étude de flacon de parfum pour la maison Revillon, Paris (Study for a perfume bottle for Revillon, Paris), before 1940
Charcoal on tracing paper pasted onto paper
23.4 x 20.6 cm; 31.1 x 23.4 cm (secondary support)

Alfred Pellan, La pariade (The Pairing), 1940–45
Oil and India ink on paper glued to plywood
19.7 x 34.6 cm

Alfred Pellan, Cordée de bois (Cord of Wood), 1941
Oil on canvas
43.3 x 58.7 cm

Alfred Pellan, Enfants de la Grande-Pointe, Charlevoix (Children from Grande-Pointe, Charlevoix), 1941
Oil on canvas
43.5 x 59 cm

Alfred Pellan, Sans titre (Untitled), 1942
India ink on paper
37.4 x 33 cm (board);
25.7 x 20.9 cm (image)

Alfred Pellan, Homme et femme (Man and Woman), 1943–47
Oil on canvas mounted on plywood
167 x 208 cm

Alfred Pellan, Alors nous vivions aux remparts des villes endormies, illustration for Alain Grandbois’s Les îles de la nuit, 1944
Ink and wash on board glued on board
35.5 x 28 cm

Alfred Pellan, Ta forme monte comme la blessure du sang, illustration for Alain Grandbois’s Les îles de la nuit, 1944
Watercolour, India ink, and varnish on board glued on board
36.7 x 29.3 cm

Alfred Pellan, Conciliabule (Secret Conversation), c.1945
Oil on canvas
208 x 167.5 cm

Alfred Pellan, cover for the program of Madeleine et Pierre, 1945
Letterpress printing in colour on paper
28 x 21.6 cm

Alfred Pellan, Femmes paysage (Women Landscape), c.1945–75
Ink on paper
20.5 x 17.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Personnage avec édifice labyrintesque (Figure with a Maze Building), c.1945–75
Ink on paper
20.5 x 17.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Le comédien (The Comedian), cover for the program of Le soir des rois (Twelfth Night), 1946
Letterpress printing in black and grey on paper
29.1 x 46 cm

Alfred Pellan, Les mannequins (The Mannequins), c.1946
Black ink and coloured pencil on paper mounted onto cardboard
17.7 x 20.5 cm

Alfred Pellan, Calque de Citrons ultra-violets (Sketch for Ultraviolet Lemons), c.1947
Graphite on tracing paper
22.5 x 19 cm

Alfred Pellan, Citrons ultra-violets (Ultraviolet Lemons), 1947
Oil, gold leaf, and fluorescent paint on canvas
208 x 167.3 cm

Alfred Pellan, L’homme A grave (Man A Engrave), c.1948
Gouache and ink on paper
29.8 x 22.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Prisme d’Yeux, 1948
Ink, graphite, and watercolour on paper
12.4 x 20.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jardin vert (Green Garden), 1958
Oil and cellulose powder on canvas
104.6 x 186.3 cm

Alfred Pellan, Et le soleil continue (And the Sun Shines On), 1959 (first version c.1938)
Oil, silica, and tobacco on canvas
40.6 x 55.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Étude pour Jardin mécanique (Study for Mechanical Garden), 1965
Dental cement
8.9 x 8.3 x 1.7 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jardin d’Olivia – A (Olivia’s Garden – A), 1968
Oil on cardboard
19.5 x 38 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jeu de cinq (Game of Five), 1968
Coloured ink and India ink on velvet paper
7.5 x 12.5 cm

Alfred Pellan, Mini-bestiaire no 5 (Mini-Bestiary no. 5), c.1971
Painted stone and wood
6.4 x 5.5 x 2.7 cm

Alfred Pellan, Mini-bestiaire no 10 (Mini-Bestiary no. 10), c.1971
Painted stone and wood
3.7 x 5.8 x 4.7 cm

Alfred Pellan, Mini-bestiaire no 22 (Mini-Bestiary no. 22), c.1971
Painted stone and wood
6.3 x 12 x 7.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Mini-bestiaire no 24 (Mini-Bestiary no. 24), c.1971
Painted stone and wood
2.8 x 7 x 2.5 cm

Alfred Pellan, Mini-bestiaire no 31 (Mini-Bestiary no. 31), c.1971
Painted stone and wood
6.8 x 9 x 5.7 cm

Alfred Pellan, La Rue, from the artist’s book Sept costumes et un décor pour La nuit des rois de Shakespeare, 1971
Serigraph, A.P. 8/10
65.8 x 101.6 cm (paper); 25.5 x 63.7 cm (image)

Alfred Pellan, Olivia, from the artist’s book Sept costumes et un décor pour La nuit des rois de Shakespeare, 1971
Serigraph, 10/100
65.8 x 50.6 cm

Alfred Pellan, Sire André, from the artist’s book Sept costumes et un décor pour La nuit des rois de Shakespeare, 1971
Serigraph, 10/100
65.8 x 50.6 cm

Alfred Pellan, Viola, from the artist’s book Sept costumes et un décor pour La nuit des rois de Shakespeare, 1971
Serigraph, 10/100
65.8 x 50.7 cm

Alfred Pellan, Oniromancie (Oneiromancy), 1972
Serigraph, 98/100
66 x 51 cm (paper); 46 x 40.2 cm (image)

Alfred Pellan, Pop Shop, 1972
Serigraph, 48/100
66 x 51 cm (paper); 46.6 x 40 cm (image)

Alfred Pellan, Façonnage (Shaping), 1973
Serigraph, 61/100
89 x 58.5 cm (paper), 56 x 48.5 (image)

Alfred Pellan, Voltige d’automne – A (Autumn Acrobatics – A), 1973
Coloured ink and India ink on velvet paper
25.4 x 33.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Bestiaire no 3 (Bestiary no. 3), 1974
Oil and India ink on paper
26.3 x 37 cm

Alfred Pellan, Folies-Bergère, 1974
Serigraph, O.T. 2/5
66.3 x 51.1 cm (paper); 53.6 x 40.9 cm (image)

Alfred Pellan, Hollywood, 1974
Coloured ink and India ink on velvet paper
25.4 x 33.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, L’exhibitionniste (The Exhibitionist), 1974
Patent leather shoe, plaster, plywood, ink, and paint
15 x 32.5 x 15.4 cm

Alfred Pellan, Pince-fesse, 1974
Leather shoe, plaster, metal, plywood, and paint
81.8 x 29 x 15.3 cm

Alfred Pellan, Pique-mégots, 1974
Leather shoe, plaster, metal, paper, tobacco, plywood, and paint
11.2 x 35.5 x 15 cm

Alfred Pellan, Pour masochiste (For Masochist), 1974
Leather shoe, plaster, latex, metal, plywood, and paint
16.1 x 46.7 x 15.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Veuve joyeuse (Merry Widow), 1974
Leather shoe, plaster, offset on paper, plywood, and paint
21.6 x 42.7 x 20.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Satellite, 1979
Aluminum paint on found objects
21.5 x 14.6 x 13.3 cm

Alfred Pellan, Satellite, 1979
Aluminum paint on found objects
29.2 x 18.4 x 18.4 cm

Alfred Pellan, À la femme allongée (To the Reclining Woman), from artist book Délirium concerto, 1982
Etching and aquatint, A.P. 4/8
56.8 x 76.3 cm (paper); 45 x 63.7 cm (image)

Alfred Pellan, Sans titre (Untitled), n.d.
Coloured pencil, graphite, and colour offset cut and pasted onto cardboard
40.8 x 32.8 cm
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Coin du vieux Québec (A Corner of Old Quebec), 1922
Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard
62.8 x 58.4 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jeune fille aux anémones (Girl with Anemones), c.1932
Oil on canvas
116 x 88.8 cm

Alfred Pellan, Jeune comédien (Young Actor), c.1935/after 1948
Oil on canvas
100 x 80.9 cm

Alfred Pellan, Bouche rieuse (Laughing Mouth), 1935
Oil on burlap
55.1 x 46 cm

Alfred Pellan, Désir au clair de la lune (Desire in the Light of the Moon), 1937
Oil on canvas
161.8 x 97.1 cm

Alfred Pellan, Fillette à la robe bleue (Young Girl in Blue Dress), 1941
Oil on canvas
58.7 x 43.2 cm

Alfred Pellan, Sur la plage (On the Beach), 1945
Oil on canvas
207.7 x 167.6 cm

Alfred Pellan, Floraison (Blossoming), c.1950
Oil on canvas
180.3 x 146.1 cm

Alfred Pellan, L’affût (The Stalker), 1956
Oil on canvas
88.8 x 130.2 cm
Ottawa Art Gallery
50 Mackenzie King Bridge
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Le buisson ardent (The Burning Bush), 1966
Oil on canvas
29.8 x 51.4 cm
23 Ontario Street
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Végétaux marins (Aquatic Plants), 1964
Oil on board
122.2 x 81.6 cm
Vancouver Art Gallery
750 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Jardin mécanique (Mechanical Garden), 1965
Acrylic, plaster, and gouache on plywood
122 x 121.8 cm
Winnipeg Art Gallery
300 Memorial Boulevard
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Alfred Pellan, Le petit avion (The Small Plane), 1945
Oil and sand on canvas
91.5 x 155.3 cm