Seven Grandfathers reflects the traditional seven teachings in Anishnabe culture and is intended to be a healing work. Each disc corresponds to an animal spirit and imparts one of the sacred teachings. They symbolize visions of nature and the perceptions of memory.
Houle noted, “As an Anishnabe artist, I wanted my Saulteaux maternal language, culture, and history to play an important role in defining my response to [the AGO’s] Walker Court and its institutional history. . . . It was my desire to create a new mediated space here that would give visitors an active sense of an expanded, living presence.”
Robert Houle: Making Art to Decolonize History
Robert Houle, Seven Grandfathers, 2014
Oil on canvas, digital prints, Mylar, watercolour on paper, seven site-specific works, each 20.3 cm (diameter), Walker Court, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto