April 17, 2014

Watch Sarah Parsons on William Notman

In this ACI talk, Parsons explains how Notman became one of Canada’s greatest photographers

For the third installment of our ongoing lecture series, we were lucky enough to have Professor Sarah Parsons of York University talk about her love of Victorian photographer William Notman. “There is something about his bad rap,” says Parsons on her interest in Notman. “He’s a fugitive Scotsman who ran away to Montreal and became a pillar of that society.” Please enjoy the video here and download the ACI’s William Notman: Life and Work by Parsons.


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Notman Photographic Co. Ltd., William Notman, Photographer, Boston, c. 1888, silver salts on paper, albumen process, 50.8 x 40.6 cm, McCord Museum, Montreal.

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