Anonymous through Council for Canadian American Relations
Michael Audain, OC, OBC, and Yoshiko Karasawa
Grant and Alice Burton
Kiki Delaney, CM, and Ian Delaney
Rosamond Ivey
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, CC
The Sabourin Family Foundation
Gerald Sheff and Shanitha Kachan Charitable Foundation
Alexandra Bennett in memory of Jalynn Bennett, CM
Fred Fountain, CM and Elizabeth Fountain
Donald K. Johnson, O.C.,LL.D.
The Michael and Sonja Koerner Charitable Foundation
Alan and Patricia Koval Foundation
Shabin and Nadir Mohamed
Power Corporation of Canada
Rob and Monique Sobey
Marilyn Baillie, CM, and Charles Baillie, OC
John and Katia Bianchini
David Binet
Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Family Foundation
The Connor, Clark & Lunn Foundation
Blake C. Goldring, CM, MSM, CD
Catherine Graham and Katherine Graham Debost
Tim and Darka Griffin
Jackman Foundation
The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation
Rudy and Elizabeth Kerklaan
Michelle Koerner and Kevin Doyle
Korea Arts Management
Janet and Willard L’Heureux
The McLean Foundation
Bill Morneau and Nancy McCain Foundation at Toronto Foundation
River Philip Foundation
Sydney and William R. Pieschel Foundation
Eleanor and Francis Shen
Jim Spatz, CM and Valerie MacDonald
Morden Yolles
Sara and Michael Angel
Alexandra Baillie
Bornstein family
Jamie Cameron and Christopher Bredt
Cowley Abbott Fine Art Auctions
Jon S. Dellandrea, CM, and Lyne Dellandrea
First Arts
Jane and Michael Freund
Roger Garland, CM, and Kevin Garland
Joan and Martin Goldfarb
Reesa Greenberg
Graham and Mary Hallward
K. James Harrison and Melinda Harrison
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation
The Krstajic Foundation
Lawson Hunter, CM
Duncan Jessiman
Heather Jessiman
Liza Mauer and Andrew Scheiner
Elaine Kierans and Shawn McReynolds
The Jack Weinbaum Family Foundation
Christine Laptuta
Larry and Maureen Lunn
Trina McQueen, CM
Sandra Pitblado, CM, and Jim Pitblado, CM
Tim and Frances Price
Dara and Marvin Singer
Andrew Stewart
Elian Terner and Poonam Puri
Jonathan Wener, CM
Susan Wortzman
Robin and David Young
Jane Zeidler
Tate Abols
Paul Bain
Scott W. Bell and Susan L. Nickerson
Diana Billes
Eric and Jodi Block
Debra and Barry Campbell
Anne-Marie Canning
Peter and Elizabeth Clarke
Peter J. Dey and Phyllis Ortved
Peter J. Dey and Phyllis Ortved in honour of Robert Murray
John Donald
Mike and Kim Downs
Lilly Fenig
Michael Flux and Marnie Smith
Don Fraser and Jane Hudson
The DH Gales Family Charitable Foundation
The Scott Griffin Foundation
Richard and Donna Ivey
Nancy Jain
Mary Janigan and Tom Kierans, CM
Tiana Koffler Boyman and Marc Boyman
Lindy Green Family Foundation
Sammy Lau and Curtis McDonald
Lianne and Bruce Leboff
Marcia McClung and Franklyn Griffiths
Marci McDonald and St. Clair Balfour
Margaret McNee
Mira Godard Gallery
Bruce Munro Wright
Michael and Inna O’Brian Family Foundation
Mr. Jonas & Lynda Prince
Sanford and Deborah Riley
Judith and Wilson Rodger
Peter and Neri Slan
Carole and Howard Tanenbaum
Takao Tanabe and Anona Thorne
TD Bank Group
Michael Tims, CM and Renae Tims
Carol Weinbaum
Michael Simmonds and Steven M. Wilson
Joyce Zemans, CM, and Fred Zemans
Canadian Women Artists Circle
Alexandra Bennett
Katy Graham Debost & Catherine Graham
Samantha Louise Emery
Kathleen Freeman
Carol Gray
Trisha Jackson
Marcia McClung
Nalini Stewart
Jennifer Wardrop
Kate Zeidler
Joyce Zemans
Gesta Abols
Alice Adelkind
Jacqui Allard and Burke Paterson
Robin Anthony
Murray and Susan Armitage Foundation
Art Class 72
Bruce Bailey
Lisa Balfour Bowen
Isabel Bassett, CM, OONT
Kaye and Paul Beeston
Jacques Bernier
Linda Bertoldi and W.A. Bogart
Ellen and Murray Blankstein
Edward and Eva Borins
Catherine Bradley
Helen Burstyn, CM
Malcolm Burrows and Barbara Dick
Butterfield Family Foundation
Leah Carey
Linda Chu
Catherine and Stephen Clark
Simon Clements
Eva Czigler and Peter Herrndorf, CC, OONT
Rita and Mark Daniel
Jane Darville and Skip Bassford
Kiki Delaney, CM in honour of Hunter Thompson
David Denison and Maureen Flanagan
Brenda Dinnick
Pamela Dinsmore and Robert Desjardins
Jason Donville
Tamara Fine
Julia Foster CM and Robert Foster CM
Anouchka Freybe and Scott Connell
Mimi Fullerton
Judith Gelber
Gallery Gevik
T.M. Glass
Brad & Nathalie Goldhar
Elizabeth K.P. Grace and Susan Vella
Dr. Sherrill Grace OC, FRSC in honour of Elizabeth K.P. Grace
Ron Graham and Gillian MacKay
Charlotte Gray and George Anderson
Bryn Gray
Esther & Evan Green
Kyra Griffin
Neil Guthrie
Michael Hasley
Laurie Herd
Ann Hutchinson
Judy and Craig Jarvis
Miriam Kagan
Helen Kearns
Suneel Khanna & Carl Wolter
Sue and Bill Kidd
Alan Klinkhoff Gallery
Elske and Jim Kofman
Olga Korper Gallery
Laidlaw Foundation
Paulette Faye Lane
Nancy Lang
Leila Lax
Brett Ledger and Patricia Olasker
Ann Leese
Hesty Leibtag
Barbara Lemaire
David Lever
Peter Lyman
John Macfarlane, CM
Harry and Ann Malcolmson
Ian and Janet Markham
Curtis McDonald
Emily McInnes
Mark and Judy McLean
Michael Gibson Gallery
Dr. Gerald McMaster
Mila Miller
Aaron Milrad
Kathryn Minard
John Montesano and Lucia Piccinni
Beatrice de Montmollin and Lawrence L. Herman
Mary Murphy
The Muttart Foundation
Nicholas Metivier Gallery
Gilles and Julia Ouellette
Stuart Payne and Mayo Moran
Sharon Ranson
David Rawlings
Jeff and Rita Rayman
The Roberts Gallery
Lorne Rothman
Rumi Galleries
Mark Schaan
Troy Seidman
George Seslija and Marla Kiess
Norman and Janet Shiner
Michael and Jackie Shulman Family
Britt Simmons
Ronald Slaght
Stephen Smart and Juan Pablo Francisconi
Hope Smith
Philip Somerville
Carl and Jennifer Spiess
Darren Sukonick
Gail Todgham
Trepanier Baer Gallery
Barbara Uteck and Graham Fraser
Diane Walker
Jonathan Weisz
Wendy R. Eisen Endowment Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Grace Westcott
Adele and Arthur Wortzman
Sally Wright and Gavin MacKenzie
Michelle Yeung
Yael Zaretsky & Mark Musselman
Margaret Zeidler
Bonnie Alter
Thomas Atkins
Lynne Balcom
David Beattie
Monique Beroud
René Blouin
John Brooker
Jim Burant
Pleasance Crawford
Ann Dadson
Nadine Di Monte
Sarah Dinnick
Patricia Feheley
Dr. Erica Fischer
Andrea Geddes Poole
Dr. Sherrill Grace OC, FRSC
Robert Graham
Lyndsay Green and Hank Intven
Margaret Jaques
Katharine Harvey
Gary Hall
Mary Henderson
Su Hutchinson
Michel Laverdiere
Maryella Leggat
Norma and Robert Lounsbury
Brian Lowry
Angela Marcus
Ann Griffin McCall
Kyle McKenzie
Samantha Mogelonsky
Karen Muntean
Quirien Muylwyk
Pierre-François Ouellette
Barbara Payne
Christopher Pickwoad
Janna Robins Walters
Melina Rymberg
Amanda Sebris
Alisa Siegel
Elaine Solway
William Snow
Virginia Trieloff
Dr. Christine Turkewych
Mary Jo Turner
Lucy Waverman
Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov
Lyn Westwood
Cathy Williams
The following individuals generously supported the organization before its launch in 2013 and within its first three years.
Sara Angel supported by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
Jalynn Bennett, CM
David and Vivian Campbell
Cowley Abbott Fine Art Auctions
Albert E. Cummings
Kiki Delaney, CM, and Ian Delaney
Jon S. Dellandrea, CM, and Lyne Dellandrea
The Fleck Family
Roger Garland, CM, and Kevin Garland
Gerald Sheff and Shanitha Kachan Charitable Foundation
The Gershon Iskowitz Foundation
Glorious and Free Foundation
Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.
Jane Huh
Michelle Koerner and Kevin Doyle
Phil Lind, CM and Ellen Roland
Nancy McCain and Bill Morneau
The Michael and Sonja Koerner Charitable Foundation
Milroy Family Foundation
Partners in Art
The Scott Griffin Foundation
Sandra L. Simpson
Stephen Smart
Nalini Stewart, OONT, and Tim Stewart
Audain Foundation
Marilyn Baillie, CM, and Charles Baillie, OC
Alexandra Bennett in memory of Jalynn Bennett, CM†
John and Katia Bianchini
David Binet
BMO Financial Group
Peter and Elizabeth Clarke
Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Family Foundation
The Connor, Clark and Lunn Foundation
Cowley Abbott Fine Art Auctions
Kiki Delaney, CM, and Ian Delaney†
Jon S. Dellandrea, CM, in honour of Lyne Dellandrea
The D.R. Sobey Foundation
Mike and Kim Downs
The six children of Betty-Ann McNicoll-Elliott and R. Fraser Elliott
Esker Foundation
Michael Flux and Marnie Smith
Fred and Elizabeth Fountain
Don Fraser and Jane Hudson
Jane and Michael Freund
Karen Girling and Bruce MacLellan
Maxine Granovsky Gluskin and Ira Gluskin
Blake C. Goldring, CM, MSM, CD
Elizabeth K. P. Grace
The Scott Griffin Foundation
Tim and Darka Griffin
Salvatore Guerrera, CM, and Family
K. James Harrison and Melinda Harrison†
The Jay and Barbara Hennick Family Foundation
Lawson Hunter, CM
The Gershon Iskowitz Foundation
Richard M. Ivey
Richard and Donna Ivey
Rosamond Ivey†
The Richard and Beryl Ivey Fund within the London Community Foundation†
Hal Jackman Foundation†
Elizabeth and Rudy Kerklaan
The Koerner Foundation in memory of Walter C. Koerner
Michelle Koerner and Kevin Doyle
Korea Arts Management
Christine Laptuta
Phyllis Lambert, CC
Lassonde Family Foundation
Larry Lunn
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, CC
Nancy McCain and Bill Morneau
The McLean Foundation
Mira Godard Gallery
Alistair Mitchell and Naomi Margo
Partners in Art
Andrew Pringle, CM, and Valerie Pringle, CM
River Philip Foundation
Rosenthal Zaretsky Niman and Co., LLP
The Sabourin Family Foundation†
Karen Schreiber and Marnie Schreiber†
Eleanor and Francis Shen
Sandra L. Simpson†
Dara and Marvin Singer
Jim Spatz, CM and Valerie MacDonald
The Stonecroft Foundation for the Arts
Sydney and William R. Pieschel Foundation
Carole and Howard Tanenbaum
TD Bank Group
Elian Terner and Poonam Puri
Toronto Friends of the Visual Arts
The Harold Town Estate
Trinity Development Foundation
Bruce V. Walter and Erica Walter
Jonathan Wener, CM
Morden Yolles
† Indicates Title Sponsorship of more than one Art Canada Institute publication
The Connor, Clark and Lunn Foundation
Anonymous through Council for Canadian American Relations
Nancy Jain
The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation
The McLean Foundation
Power Corporation of Canada
Jean Paul Riopelle Foundation
The Jack Weinbaum Family Foundation
Grant and Alice Burton
First Arts
Janet and Willard L’Heureux
Bill Morneau and Nancy McCain Foundation at Toronto Foundation