The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto has the largest collection of works by Paul Kane, but sketches and paintings can be found in public collections from the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa to the Stark Museum in Orange, Texas. Although the works listed below are held by the following institutions, they may not always be on view.
Art Gallery of Ontario
317 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1-877-255-4246 or 416-979-6648

Paul Kane, Indian Encampment on Lake Huron, c. 1845
Oil on canvas
48.3 x 73.7 cm

Paul Kane, Scene in the Northwest—Portrait of John Henry Lefroy, c. 1845–46
Oil on canvas
55.5 x 76 cm

Paul Kane, The Buffalo Pound, c. 1846–49
Oil on paperboard
21.9 x 35 cm
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Paul Kane, Eliza Clarke Cory Clench, c. 1834–36
Oil on canvas
71.5 x 56.3 cm

Paul Kane, Freeman Schermerhorn Clench, c. 1834–36
Oil on canvas
71 x 56 cm

Paul Kane, Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1842
Oil on wood
20.7 x 16.8 cm

Paul Kane, Assiniboine Hunting Buffalo, c. 1851–56
Oil on canvas
46 x 73.7 cm
RiverBrink Art Museum
116 Queenston Street
Queenston, Ontario, Canada

Paul Kane, Portrait of Mrs. Conger of Cobourg, c. 1834
Oil on canvas
23.6 x 29 cm

Paul Kane, Self-Portrait, c. 1843–45
Oil on canvas
58 x 62 cm
Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Paul Kane, Medicine Pipe Stem Dance, Blackfoot, c. 1849–52
Oil on canvas
48.9 x 74.5 cm

Paul Kane, Six Black Feet Chiefs, Blackfoot, c. 1849–55
Oil on canvas
65.5 x 78.5 cm

Paul Kane, The Cackabakah Falls, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
51 x 71 cm

Paul Kane, The Constant Sky, Saulteaux, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
63.5 x 76.2 cm

Paul Kane, Cunnawa-bum, Metis (Plains Cree and British ancestry), c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
64.2 x 51.5 cm

Paul Kane, Flat Head Woman and Child, Caw-wacham, Cowlitz, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
75.9 x 63.4 cm

Paul Kane, Fort Edmonton, Hudson’s Bay Company; Plains Cree, Assiniboine, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
43 x 71 cm

Paul Kane, Half Breeds Travelling, Plains Metis, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
46.2 x 74.1 cm

Paul Kane, Head Chief of the Assiniboines, (Portrait of Mah-min), Assiniboine, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
76.3 x 63.9 cm

Paul Kane, Kee-akee-ka-saa-ka-wow, “The Man That Gives the War Whoop, Head Chief of the Crees,” Plains Cree, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
75.9 x 63.4 cm

Paul Kane, The Man That Always Rides, Blackfoot, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
46.3 x 60.9 cm

Paul Kane, Nesperces Indian, Nez Perce, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
64.2 x 51.2 cm

Paul Kane, A Prairie on Fire, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
45.8 x 74 cm

Paul Kane, Running Buffalo, Assiniboine, c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
45.4 x 74.2 cm

Paul Kane, Scalp Dance, Colville, Colville (Interior Salish), c. 1849–56
Oil on canvas
47.9 x 73.7 cm

Paul Kane, The Death of Omoxesisixany or Big Snake, 1860
Chromolithograph in seventeen colours, embossed and printed on wove paper
37.5 x 46.3 cm
Stark Museum of Art
712 Green Avenue
Orange, Texas, United States

Paul Kane, Culchillum Wearing a Medicine Cap, April–June 1847
Watercolour on paper
12.3 x 11.4 cm

Paul Kane, Lower Falls on the Pelouse River, 1847
Watercolour and graphite on paper
14 x 23.5 cm

Paul Kane, François Lucie, A Cree Half-Breed Guide, c. 1847–48
Oil on paper
27.7 x 22.3 cm

Paul Kane, Medicine Pipe Stem Dance, 1848
Oil on paper
24.8 x 31.1 cm