The works of Ozias Leduc are held in public and private collections internationally. Although the following institutions hold the works listed below, they may not always be on view. This list contains only the works held in public collections discussed and illustrated in this book; many other works by Leduc may be found in public collections.
Beaverbrook Art Gallery
703 Queen Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
506-458-2028 | 506-458-8545

Ozias Leduc, Blue Cumulus (Cumulus bleu), 1913
Oil on canvas
92.1 x 61.6 cm
Church of Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation
825 Avenue Ozias-Leduc
Shawinigan, Quebec, Canada
819-539-1888, ext. 238

Ozias Leduc, Caryatid Angel Carrying a Phylactery (Ange caryatide portant un phylactère), 1942–55
Oil on plaster

Ozias Leduc, The Millworkers
(Les chargeurs de meules), 1950
Oil on marouflaged canvas
370 x 185 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Pioneers (Les défricheurs), c.1950
Oil on marouflaged canvas
370 x 185 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Sower (Le semeur), c.1950
Oil on marouflaged canvas
370 x 185 cm
Church of Saint-Enfant-Jésus (Mile End)
5039 St. Dominique Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, The Annunciation (L’Annonciation), 1916
Oil on marouflaged canvas
Church of Saint-Hilaire
260 Chemin des Patriotes Nord
Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, The Assumption (of the Virgin) (L’Assomption [de la Vierge]),1899
Oil on marouflaged canvas
468 x 226 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Baptism of Christ (Le Baptême du Christ), 1899
Oil on marouflaged canvas
Collection of the House of Commons, Ottawa
West Block
111 Wellington St.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1-800-599-4999 or 613-992-4793

Ozias Leduc, Portrait of the Honourable Louis-Philippe Brodeur (Portrait de l’honorable Louis-Philippe Brodeur), 1901–4
Oil on canvas
99.4 x 125.7 cm
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1380 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, The Three Apples (Les trois pommes), 1887
Oil on cardboard
22.7 x 31.7 cm

Ozias Leduc, Still Life with Open Book (Nature morte au livre ouvert), 1894
Oil on canvas
38.5 x 48 cm

Ozias Leduc, Still Life with Lay Figure (Nature morte dite “au mannequin”), 1898
Oil on cardboard
28 x 24 cm

Ozias Leduc, illustration for the cover of the novel Claude Paysan by Ernest Choquette,1899
31.7 x 50.6 cm

Ozias Leduc, Portrait of Guy Delahaye (Portrait de Guy Delahaye), 1912
Oil on canvas
64.8 x 31.1 cm

Ozias Leduc, Day’s End (Fin de jour), 1913
Oil on canvas
50.8 x 34.3 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Concrete Bridge (Le pont de béton), 1915
Oil on canvas
50.8 x 34.8 cm

Ozias Leduc, Mauve Twilight (L’heure mauve), 1921
Oil on paper, affixed on canvas
92.4 x 76.8 cm

Paul-Émile Borduas and Ozias Leduc, Glass in a Saucer (Verre dans une soucoupe), 1923
Charcoal on paper
29.2 x 31.4 cm

Ozias Leduc, Moonlight Twilight (Crépuscule lunaire), c.1937
Oil on marouflaged cardboard fixed to cardboard
32.7 x 23.2 cm
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Collection Lavalin
185 Saint Catherine Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, Phrenology (La phrénologie), 1892
Oil on wood panel
33.8 x 27.2 cm
Musée d’art de Joliette
145 Rue du Père-Wilfrid-Corbeil
Joliette, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, Still Life, Onions (Nature morte, oignons), 1892
Oil on canvas
36.5 x 45.7 cm
Musée de la civilisation
85 Dalhousie Street
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, Grey Effect (Snow) (Effet gris [neige]), 1914
Oil on canvas
47.2 x 36.6 cm
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
179 Grande Allée Ouest
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, Still Life with Books (Nature morte aux livres), 1892
Oil on canvas
32 x 40 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Reader (La liseuse), 1894
Oil on canvas
29.6 x 25.6 cm

Ozias Leduc, Boy Reading (Le liseur), 1894
Charcoal on paper
39.6 x 46.4 cm

Ozias Leduc, Study of a Young Woman (Profile) and of Two Hands, 1897
Graphite on vellum paper
13.3 x 17.8 cm

Ozias Leduc, Study for Erato (Sleeping Muse), 1898
Charcoal on canvas
61 x 91.2 cm

Ozias Leduc, Mary Magdalene Repenting (Madeleine repentante), 1898–1902
Oil on canvas attached to cardboard
32.3 x 32.2 cm

Ozias Leduc, Madame Ernest Lebrun, née Adélia Leduc, the Artist’s Sister (Madame Ernest Lebrun, née Adélia Leduc, sœur de l’artiste), 1899
Oil on canvas
42.8 x 32.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Autumn Tillage (Labours d’automne), 1901
Oil on canvas
62.2 x 92.2 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Choquette Farm, Beloeil (La ferme Choquette, Belœil), 1901
Oil on canvas
61.2 x 91.8 cm

Ozias Leduc, Study for “The Martyrdom of Saint Barnabas,” 1910–11
Charcoal on paper
61 x 38 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Martyrdom of Saint Barnabas (Le martyre de Saint-Barnabé), 1911
Oil on canvas
579 x 303.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Horror, Horror, Horror (Horreur, horreur, horreur), 1912
Ink and graphite on paper
26.2 x 20.4 cm

Ozias Leduc, Léo-Pol Marin, 1918
Charcoal on paper glued to cardboard
50.4 x 33.3 cm

Ozias Leduc, Cloud on a Mountainside (Nuage à flanc de montagne), 1922
Charcoal on paper attached to cardboard
15.2 x 16.6 cm

Ozias Leduc, Soft Snow (also called Snowbank) (Neige douce [aussi appelé Banc de neige]), c.1927–53
Charcoal and pastel on paper
20 x 15.9 cm

Ozias Leduc, Portrait of Florence Bindoff (Portrait de Florence Bindoff), 1931–35
Oil on canvas
68.4 x 54.2 cm

Ozias Leduc, Lake View, Mont Saint-Hilaire (Vue du lac, mont Saint-Hilaire), 1937
Graphite and charcoal on paper
13.1 x 16.7 cm
Musée Pierre-Boucher
858 Rue Laviolette
Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada

Ozias Leduc, Mater Amabilis (Mère aimable), 1941
Oil on canvas
57.1 x 44.4 cm
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Ozias Leduc, My Mother in Mourning (Ma mère en deuil), c.1890
Oil on canvas
40 x 34.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Study for “Boy with Bread,” 1892
Charcoal over graphite on buff laid paper
47.7 x 54.3 cm

Ozias Leduc, Boy with Bread (L’enfant au pain), 1892–99
Oil on canvas
50.7 x 55.7 cm

Ozias Leduc, Still Life, Study by Candlelight (Nature morte, étude à la lumière d’une chandelle), 1893
Oil on canvas
36.1 x 46.2 cm

Ozias Leduc, The Young Student (Le jeune élève), 1894
Oil on canvas
36.7 x 46.7 cm

Ozias Leduc, Study for the Decoration of the Church of Saint-Hilaire: “The Baptism of Christ” (IV), c.1897–1900
Graphite on buff wove paper
21.4 x 12.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Study for the Decoration of the Church of Saint-Hilaire: “The Assumption of the Virgin,” c.1897–1900
Graphite on buff wove paper
25 x 15.9 cm

Ozias Leduc, Study for the Decoration of the Church of Saint-Hilaire: “Christ Giving the Keys to Saint Peter” (VI), c.1898–99
Pen and black ink, graphite on buff wove paper
22.8 x 16.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, My Portrait (Mon portrait), 1899
Oil on paper, mounted on wood
33 x 26.9 cm

Ozias Leduc, Road to the Church (Saint-Hilaire) (Le chemin de l’église [Saint-Hilaire]), 1899
Charcoal with white highlights on laid paper
34.6 x 48.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Self-Portrait (Autoportrait), c.1899
Charcoal on laid paper
36.5 x 26.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Erato (Muse in the Forest) (Erato [Muse dans la forêt]), c.1906
Oil on cardboard
27.9 x 22.9 cm

Ozias Leduc, Green Apples (Pommes vertes), 1914–15
Oil on canvas
63.3 x 94.4 cm

Ozias Leduc, Gilded Snow (Neige dorée), 1916
Oil on canvas
137.8 x 77.2 cm

Ozias Leduc, Colour Sketch for the Decoration of the Chapel of the Bishop’s Palace, Sherbrooke: Study for “The Crucifixion,” c.1922
Oil and graphite on cardboard
43.3 x 25.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Colour Sketch for the Decoration of the Chapel of the Bishop’s Palace, Sherbrooke: Study for “Mary Hailed as Co-redeemer,” c.1922
Oil and graphite on cardboard
43.3 x 26.8 cm

Ozias Leduc, Rainbow (Imaginations No. 6) (Arc-en-ciel [Imaginations n° 6]), 1936
Graphite on vellum paper
12.2 x 16.5 cm

Ozias Leduc, Clouds in the Light (Imaginations No. 26) (Nuages dans la lumière [Imaginations n° 26]), 1937
Graphite on wove paper
16.4 x 9.3 cm