The Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Quebec City, houses the most comprehensive collection of works by Jean Paul Lemieux. Other important galleries, museums, and private collections in Canada also hold his work. Documentary sources and photographic records of the artist’s work are available for consultation at the National Gallery of Canada and at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa. Lemieux’s works are not on public view at all times in these institutions, with the exception of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, where a permanent exhibition space was dedicated to him in 2014; there visitors can view works from each of the most important stages of his artistic career.
Art Gallery of Ontario
317 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1-877-225-4246 or 416-979-6648

Jean Paul Lemieux, Lazarus (Lazare), 1941
Oil on Masonite
101 x 83.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, January in Quebec City (Janvier à Québec), 1965
Oil on canvas
106.4 x 151.5 cm
Confederation Centre for the Arts
145 Richmond Street
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Jean Paul Lemieux, Charlottetown Revisited (Charlottetown revisitée), 1964
Oil on canvas
197.2 x 380 cm
Hart House
University of Toronto
7 Hart House Circle
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Red Sweater (Le chandail rouge), 1958
Oil on canvas
119.4 x 52 cm
Jean-Noël Desmarais Pavilion of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1380 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Jean Paul Lemieux, Seascape, Bay St. Paul (Marine, Baie-Saint-Paul), 1935
Oil on board
13.8 x 17.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Far West (Le Far West), 1955
Oil on canvas
55.7 x 132.2 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Dies Irae, 1982–83
Oil on canvas
135.4 x 309 cm
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
185 Sainte-Catherine Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Jean Paul Lemieux, Summer in Montreal (L’été à Montréal), 1959
Oil on canvas
57.5 x 126.5 cm
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
National Battlefields Park
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
1-866-220-2150 or 418-643-2150

Jean Paul Lemieux, Afternoon Sunlight (Soleil d’après-midi), 1933
Oil on canvas
76.7 x 86.7 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Landscape, Eastern Townships (Paysage des Cantons-de-l’Est), 1936
Oil on plywood
56 x 75.6 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Village Meeting (L’assemblée), 1936
Oil on canvas
86.5 x 111.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Those Beautiful Days (Les beaux jours), 1937
Oil on plywood
63.6 x 53.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Portrait of the Artist at Beauport-Est (Portrait de l’artiste à Beauport-Est), 1943
Oil on panel
63.5 x 106.6 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Corpus Christi, Quebec City (La Fête-Dieu à Québec), 1944
Oil on canvas
152.7 x 122 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Ursuline Nuns (Les Ursulines), 1951
Oil on canvas
61 x 76 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Study for “The Ursuline Nuns” (Étude pour “Les Ursulines”), 1951
Oil on plywood
20.1 x 25.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Promenade des Anglais in Nice (La promenade des Anglais à Nice), c. 1954–55
Oil on panel
38 x 45 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Death on a Clear Morning (La mort par un clair matin), 1963
Oil on canvas
106 x 78.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Ocean Wind (Vent de mer), 1963
Oil on canvas
71 x 109 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Snow-covered City (Ville enneigée), 1963
Oil on canvas
87.5 x 142 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Summer of 1914 (L’été de 1914), 1965
Oil on canvas
79.2 x 175.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, A Day in the Country (Une journée à la campagne), 1967
Oil on canvas
20 x 178.3 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Quebec City Is Burning (Québec brûle), 1967
Oil on canvas
53.5 x 178 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Express (Le rapide), 1968
Oil on canvas
101 x 204 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Self-portrait (Autoportrait), 1974
Oil on canvas
167 x 79 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, Turned Towards the Cosmos (Tourné vers le cosmos), c. 1980–85
Oil on canvas
135 x 70.5 cm
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Evening Visitor (Le visiteur du soir), 1956
Oil on canvas
80.4 x 110 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Noon Train (Le train de midi), 1956
Oil on canvas
63 x 110.5 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Orphan (L’orpheline), 1956
Oil on canvas
60.9 x 45.6 cm

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Visit, 1967
Oil on canvas
170 x 107.3 cm
Winnipeg Art Gallery
300 Memorial Boulevard
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Jean Paul Lemieux, The Fates (Les Parques), 1962
Oil on canvas
71.1 x 110.5 cm