The works of Iljuwas Bill Reid are held in public and private collections, in Canada and internationally. The Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art and the University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology hold some of the richest collections of Reid’s work. Although the following institutions hold the works listed below, they may not always be on view. This list contains only the works in public collections discussed and illustrated in this book.
Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art
639 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bill Reid, Killer Whale Brooch, c.1952–53
Sterling silver
2.38 x 4.45 cm

Bill Reid, The Raven and the First Men, c.1955
9.5 x 18 cm

Bill Reid, Tschumos Brooch, 1956
Sterling silver
3.9 x 6.6 cm

Bill Reid, Raven Brooch, 1962
22k gold
6.3 x 5.4 cm

Bill Reid, Bear Mask, 1964

Bill Reid, Shaman’s Charm Brooch, 1964
22k gold
2.9 x 7.1 cm

Bill Reid, The Final Exam, 1964
Sterling silver
10 x 9 x 8.8 cm

Bill Reid, Milky Way Necklace, 1969
22k and 18k gold, diamonds
17 cm (inside diameter)

Bill Reid, Children of the Raven, 1977
76.2 x 56.52 cm

Bill Reid, Haida Beaver – Tsing, 1979
76.2 x 57.2 cm

Bill Reid, Haida Wolf – Godji, 1979
76 x 56 cm

Bill Reid, Horse Barnacle Necklace, 1979
White gold and sterling silver
13 cm (diameter)

Bill Reid, Dogfish Woman Transformation Pendant, 1982
Boxwood, 18k gold
Pendant: 8.0 cm (diameter); Chain: 5.5 cm (length)

Bill Reid, Killer Whale, 1982
11.5 x 4.3 cm

Bill Reid, Nanasimgit and His Wife, 1983
Offset lithograph print
55.9 x 64 cm

Bill Reid, The Dogfish Woman, 1983
Offset lithograph print

Bill Reid, Mythic Messengers, 1984
120 x 850 x 45.7 cm

Bill Reid, Bull Wire Sculpture, 1986
18k gold wire
5.8 x 6.4 x 2.6 cm

Bill Reid, Cluster of Seven Frogs Necklace, 1988
22k gold, Haliotis shell
14 cm (inner diameter)

Bill Reid, Sgwaagan – Sockeye Salmon Pool Sgw’ag’ann, 1991
56 x 76 cm
Canadian Embassy
501 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Bill Reid, Spirit of Haida Gwaii: The Black Canoe, 1991
Plaster and metal
389 x 605 x 348 cm
Canadian Museum of History
100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

Bill Reid, Haida Myth of Bear Mother Dish, 1972
22k gold
7.3 x 5.2 x 7 cm

Bill Reid, Chief of the Undersea World, 1984
518.2 x 203.2 cm

Bill Reid, Spirit of Haida Gwaii, 1986
Plaster and metal
389 x 605 x 348 cm
Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay
#2 Second Beach Road
PO Box 1523
Skidegate, British Columbia, Canada

Bill Reid, Loo Taas, 1986
Red cedar wood, paint
1520 cm (length)
Royal BC Museum
675 Belleville Street
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Bill Reid, Grizzly Bear Mantlepiece, 1954
Carved and painted red cedar wood
96 x 200 x 32 cm

Bill Reid, Cedar Screen, 1968
Red cedar wood, laminated
210 x 190 x 14.6 cm

Bill Reid, Killer Whale Box with Beaver and Human, 1971
22k gold
9.4 x 9.9 x 8.2 cm
UBC Museum of Anthropology
6393 NW Marine Drive
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bill Reid, Woman in the Moon Pendant/Brooch, c.1954
Sterling silver
0.4 x 4.8 cm

Bill Reid, Bracelet, 1955
2.3 x 6 x 5.4 x 5.8 cm

Bill Reid, xiigya (Bracelet) (made after Daxhiigang [Charles Edenshaw]), c.1956
4.9 x 6.1 x 5.6 cm

Bill Reid, Wasgo, 1962
Cedar wood
140 x 250 x 70 cm

Bill Reid, Bear Sculpture, c.1963
Cedar wood with paint and adhesive
130 x 250 x 120 cm

Bill Reid, Self-portrait illustration, 1965, from Raven’s Cry (1965) by Christie Harris
Photo-mechanical transfer on paper
28.5 x 21.2 cm

Bill Reid, Eagle and Bear Box, 1967
22k gold
10.2 x 11 x 13.3 cm

Bill Reid, niijaang.uu (Portrait Mask), 1970
Wood, paint, adhesive, and human hair
27 x 25.2 x 11.5 cm

Bill Reid, The Raven Discovering Mankind in a Clamshell, 1970
7.0 x 6.9 cm

Bill Reid, The Raven and the First Men, 1980
Yellow cedar wood, laminated and carved
188 x 192 cm
Vancouver Art Gallery
750 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bill Reid, Phyllidula–The Shape of Frogs to Come, 1984–85
Cedar wood, stain
42.5 x 87 x 119 cm
Vancouver International Airport
3211 Grant McConachie Way
Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Bill Reid, Spirit of Haida Gwaii: The Jade Canoe, 1996
Plaster, bronze with patina
389 x 605 x 348 cm