The works of Betty Goodwin are held in public and private collections in Canada and internationally. Although the following institutions hold the works listed below, they may not always be on view.
Art Gallery of Ontario
317 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Waiting, 1950
Oil paint over black chalk
60.1 x 101.7 cm

Betty Goodwin, The Mourners, 1955
Etching, printed in black
19.3 x 30.5 cm (overall), 8.3 x 15 cm (image)

Betty Goodwin, Falling Figure, 1965
Oil on canvas
102.1 x 117.2 cm

Betty Goodwin, Shirt IV, 1971
Soft ground etching on wove paper
94 x 68.4 cm (overall), 79.8 x 60.4 cm (image)

Betty Goodwin, Parcel/Vest, 1972
Printing ink and embossment on folded paper with tape and string, mounted on paperboard, intrinsic frame
36.4 x 31.1 cm

Betty Goodwin, La veste disparue (The Missing Vest), 1972
Embossed paper collage on wove paper
85.5 x 66.8 cm

Betty Goodwin, Vest for Beuys, 1972
Soft ground etching and colour photograph on wove paper
96.1 x 74.7 cm (overall), 55.1 x 70.5 cm (image)

Betty Goodwin, Nest with Hanging Grass (Nest Six), 1973
Soft ground etching on paper
65.5 x 49.8 cm (overall), 42 x 35 cm (image)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (To Draw), 1973
Graphite, stamped ink, porous pointed pen, gelatin silver print on wove paper
65.8 x 50.7 cm (overall)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (Notes toward to draw), 1974
Collage of torn paper envelope, typewritten note, black and red porous-point pen, blue coloured pencil, black ink stamps, staples, on paper
34.6 x 27.2 cm (sheet)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (Bed), 1976
Oil stick and pastel on paper
57.5 x 57.4 cm (overall)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (Mentana Street Project), 1977–80
Charcoal, chalks, graphite, watercolour, gouache on wove paper
50.8 x 66 cm (overall)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled, from the series Swimmers, 1982
Oil, oil pastel, graphite on paper
76.9 x 108.3 cm

Betty Goodwin, Moving Towards Fire, 1983
Oil, coloured chalks, graphite,
each sheet: 291 x 108 cm

Betty Goodwin, Swimmers, 1984
Oil, oil stick, graphite on translucent paper
irregular shape 58 x 62 cm (sheet)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (Two figures/divers), 1984
Oil and coloured chalk on wove paper
58.5 x 43 cm

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (Moving Towards Fire), 1985
Oil, oil stick, charcoal, graphite on translucent paper
75.2 x 50.7 cm (sheet)

Betty Goodwin, Porteur (Bearer), 1986–87
Graphite, oil pastel, and wash on polyester film
226 x 213.4 cm (overall)

Betty Goodwin, Figure Lying on a Bench, 1987
Oil stick, graphite on translucent polyester film, with steel bar
30.4 x 21.7 cm (sheet)

Betty Goodwin, Steel Note (Everything is already counted), from the series Steel Notes, 1988
Steel, magnet, metal filings, acrylic paint
51 x 43.4 x 5.3 cm

Betty Goodwin, Without Cease the Earth Faintly Trembles, 1988
Mixed media on Transparga film and sectioned steel bar
193 x 113 cm

Betty Goodwin, Figure/Animal Series #1, 1990–91
Oil stick, pastel, graphite on Mylar (Geofilm)
206 x 154 cm (framed)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (La mémoire du corps) (The Memory of the Body), 1993
Oil pastel, graphite, adhesive tape on polyester film
63.5 x 97.2 cm (overall)

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (Nerves, No. 1), 1993
Oil, pastel, tar, and wax over Cronaflex print on Mylar
196.3 x 134.5 cm (overall)

Betty Goodwin, Passing Through, from the series Nerves, 1994
Etching on Japanese paper
80.2 x 60.6 cm
Beaverbrook Art Gallery
703 Queen Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Without Cease the Earth Faintly Trembles, 1988
Mixed media and steel on paper
233 x 140 cm
MacKenzie Art Gallery
3475 Albert Street
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Paul-André Fortier and Betty Goodwin, Bras de Plomb, 1993
Set: welded metal
Variable dimensions
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
10365 Islington Avenue
Kleinburg, Ontario, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (la mémoire du corps) (The Memory of the Body), 1995
Oil stick over gelatin silver print on translucent Mylar
161.3 x 115.8 cm
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1380 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Riverbed, c.1977–80
Pastel, oil, sanguine
50 x 65 cm

Betty Goodwin, Untitled No. 1, from the series Swimmers, 1982
Oil pastel, oil paint, charcoal, graphite on seven superimposed sheets
308.5 x 430.5 cm

Betty Goodwin, Untitled No. 2, from the series Swimmers, 1982
Oil pastel, oil paint, charcoal, graphite on six superimposed sheets
294 x 324 cm

Betty Goodwin, In Berlin: A Triptych, the Beginning of the Fourth Part, 1982–83
Oil, oil pastel, charcoal, crayon, white and coloured chalk, graphite, watercolour; frameworks: pine, steel, tin plate, plywood, paint
Variable dimensions

Betty Goodwin, Carbon, 1986
Charcoal powder, wax, oil pastel, pastel, graphite, oil, gesso on dimpled galvanized aluminum
275 x 975.6 cm

Betty Goodwin and Peter Lanken, Triptych, 1990–91
Bronze, aluminum, stainless steel, neon
Variable dimensions

Betty Goodwin, Nerves No. 10, 1993
Oil pastel, tar, wax on chromogenic print
221.5 x 171.5 cm
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Place Ville-Marie local 11220
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Two Vests, 1972
Soft-ground etching
74.8 x 95.5 cm

Betty Goodwin, Tarpaulin No. 2, 1974–75
Gesso and crayon on tarpaulin, rope, metal wire, grommets, steel tube
299 x 252.5 cm (tarpaulin), 290.5 cm (steel tube width)

Betty Goodwin, Swimmers, 1983
Oil, graphite, watercolour, grease crayon, gouache on paper
41 x 54 cm

Betty Goodwin, So Certain I Was, I Was a Horse, 1984–85
Oil, oil pastel, pastel, charcoal, graphite on tracing paper
323.5 x 327 cm

Betty Goodwin, Il y a certainement quelqu’un qui m’a tuée (Someone certainly killed me) [or Je suis certaine que quelqu’un m’a tuée (I’m sure someone killed me)], 1985
Oil, oil pastel, crayon, charcoal on tracing paper
50.5 x 65.3 cm

Betty Goodwin, Bestially Contrived Walls, from the series Steel Notes, 1988–89
Ferrite, steel, steel filings, pastel, wax on steel
52.1 x 40 x 3.1 cm

Betty Goodwin, It Is Forbidden to Print, from the series Steel Notes, 1988–89
Ferrite, steel, steel filings, pastel, wax on steel
52 x 40 x 3.7 cm

Betty Goodwin, Komme, Komme, Komme, from the series Steel Notes, 1988–89
Ferrite, steel, steel filings, pastel, wax on steel
57.2 x 43.2 x 7 cm

Betty Goodwin, Distorted Events, No. 2, 1989–90
Tar, pastel, steel rod, metal wire on ceramic tiles mounted on an aluminium panel
274.4 x 198.1 x 8 cm (overall)

Betty Goodwin, La mémoire du corps (The Memory of the Body), 1992
Tar, graphite, oil stick, collage on translucent Mylar film
54.6 x 58.4 cm

Betty Goodwin, Untitled (Nerves), No. 5, 1993
Oil pastel, tar, wax, Cronaflex print on translucent Mylar film
131.6 x 196 cm

Betty Goodwin, Beyond Chaos, No. 7, 1998
Oil stick, charcoal, Cronaflex print on translucent Mylar film
173.5 x 116.3 cm

Betty Goodwin, Unceasingly, 2004–5
Steel, wrought iron, brass, oil stick
244 x 21 x 11.5 cm

Betty Goodwin and Paul-Marie Lapointe, Tombeau de René Crevel (Tomb of René Crevel), 1979
Artist’s book of seven etchings by Betty Goodwin on buff wove paper alongside nineteen poems by Paul-Marie Lapointe in linen-faced box
28.2 x 35.8 cm
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
179 Grande Allée West
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Woman with cat nº 2, c.1962
Etching and aquatint
23.3 x 22.8 cm (paper), 10 x 7.7 cm (image)

Betty Goodwin, River Bed, 1977
Pastel, graphite, charcoal, coloured pencil on BFK Rives paper
75.7 x 106 cm

Betty Goodwin, Four Columns to Support a Room (projet de la Clark), 1977–80
Set of six photographs, oil on silver gelatin print mounted on cardboard
101.5 x 84 cm (total), 29.7 x 37.3 cm (each)
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Gloves One, 1970
Soft-ground etching and etching on wove paper
50.3 x 64.7 cm (overall), 27.7 x 33.6 cm (plate)

Betty Goodwin, Parcel Seven, c.October 1969
Soft-ground etching and etching in brown and blue on wove paper
49.8 x 65.2 cm, 42.8 x 52.5 cm (plate)

Betty Goodwin, Vest One, August 1969
Soft-ground etching, etching, drypoint, roulette with oil pastel and graphite on wove paper
70.7 x 56 cm (overall), 60 x 45.9 cm (plate)

Betty Goodwin, Vest, April 1972
Graphite, watercolour, oil paint with collage of cloth, feathers, leaves, flowers, hair on wove paper
44.4 x 35.8 cm

Betty Goodwin, Note One, 1973
Unetched plate with Scotch tape, with Japan paper laminate, on laid paper
52 x 39.9 cm (trimmed within platemark), 20 x 14.6 cm (image)

Betty Goodwin, Tarpaulin No. 3, 1975
Gesso, pastel, chalk, charcoal on canvas with metal grommets and rope
231 x 293.5 cm

Betty Goodwin, River Piece, 1978
82 x 648 x 155 cm

Betty Goodwin, Swimmer No. 3, 1983
Graphite, chalk pastel, oil pastel, diluted oil paint on wove paper
296 x 108.5 cm maximum irregular (left panel), 297.5 x 108.5 cm maximum irregular (right panel)

Betty Goodwin, Sargasso Sea, 1992
Plaster, wood, wire mesh
119 x 248 x 27 cm

Betty Goodwin, Spine, 1994
Steel rod, plaster gauze, black steel filament
219 x 30 x 28 cm
Vancouver Art Gallery
750 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Betty Goodwin, Tarpaulin #4, 1975
gesso, oil, rope, wire, tarpaulin
396.3 x 213.4 cm