The works of Alex Colville are held in public and private collections internationally. The Canadian War Museum holds most of Colville’s wartime art, and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, the Art Gallery of Ontario, and the National Gallery of Canada all have sizable collections of his paintings. Colville’s serigraphs and other printed works are held in various collections across Canada. Although the following institutions hold the works listed below, they may not always be on view.
Art Gallery of Hamilton
123 King Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Alex Colville, Horse and Train, 1954
Casein tempera on hardboard
41.2 x 54.2 cm

Alex Colville, Traveller, 1992
Acrylic polymer emulsion on board
43.2 x 86.4 cm
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
1723 Hollis Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Alex Colville, Three Girls on a Wharf, 1953
Glazed casein tempera on Masonite
41.1 x 25.4 cm

Alex Colville, Sketch for Ocean Limited, c. 1961
Graphite and ink on paper
15 x 24 cm

Alex Colville, Ocean Limited, 1962
Oil and synthetic resin on Masonite
68.5 x 119.3 cm

Alex Colville, Dog in Car, 1999
Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard
36 x 62.4 cm
Art Gallery of Ontario
317 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1-877-225-4246 or 416-979-6648

Alex Colville, Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia, 1940
Oil on beaverboard
30.1 x 40.1 cm

Alex Colville, Soldier and Girl at Station, 1953
Glazed tempera on hardboard
40.6 x 61 cm

Alex Colville, Woman in Bathtub, 1973
Acrylic polymer emulsion on particleboard
87.8 x 87.6 cm
Beaverbrook Art Gallery
703 Queen Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Alex Colville, Railroad over Marsh, 1947
Oil on canvas
60.9 x 81.3 cm

Alex Colville, Nudes on Shore, 1950
Tempera on Masonite
61 x 96.5 cm

Alex Colville, Embarkation, 1994
Acrylic polymer emulsion on panfibre wood particleboard
47.5 x 74.2 cm
Canadian War Museum, Ottawa
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Alex Colville, A German Flare Goes Up, 1944
Watercolour, ink, and carbon pencil on paper
38.8 x 57.2 cm

Alex Colville, Convoy in Yorkshire, No. 2, 1944
Oil on canvas
76.3 x 102 cm

Alex Colville, Landing Craft Assault Off Southern France, 1944
Oil on canvas
101.4 x 76 cm

Alex Colville, Infantry, 1945
Pencil on paper
19 x 22.6 cm

Alex Colville, Sketch Drawing, A Dead Horse, 1945
Coloured pencil on paper
27.4 x 35.8 cm

Alex Colville, Tragic Landscape, 1945
Oil on canvas
61 x 91 cm

Alex Colville, Bodies in a Grave, Belsen, 1946
Oil on canvas
76.3 x 101.6 cm

Alex Colville, Infantry, Near Nijmegen, Holland, 1946
Oil on canvas
101.6 x 121.9 cm

Alex Colville, The Nijmegen Bridge, Holland, 1946
Oil on canvas
91.6 x 122.7 cm
Carleton University Art Gallery
St. Patrick’s Building, Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Alex Colville, Windmill and Farm, 1947
Oil on Masonite
71.5 x 55.8 cm
Dalhousie Art Gallery
6101 University Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Alex Colville, After Swimming, 1955
Serigraph on paper, edition of 27
63.6 x 37.9 cm
Galerie d’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen, Université de Moncton
405 University Avenue
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Alex Colville, Study for Nude and Dummy, 1950
Ink and watercolour on paper
30.5 x 40.6 cm
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1380 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1-800-899-6873 or 514-285-2000

Alex Colville, Church and Horse, 1964
Acrylic on hardboard
55.5 x 68.7 cm

Alex Colville, Cyclist and Crow, 1981
Acrylic on hardboard
70.6 x 100 cm
Mount Allison University
Wallace McCain Student Centre
60 York Street
Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada

Alex Colville, The History of Mount Allison, 1948
Egg tempera on canvas, adhered to wall
488 x 411 cm
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
185 St. Catherine Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Alex Colville, Western Star, 1985
Acrylic on Masonite
73.8 x 73.8 cm
Museum London
421 Ridout Street North
London, Ontario, Canada

Alex Colville, Dog, Boy, and St. John River, 1958
Oil and synthetic resin on Masonite
61 x 82.6 cm
Museum of Modern Art
111 West 53 Street
New York, New York, USA

Alex Colville, Skater, 1964
Synthetic polymer paint on composition board
113 x 69.8 cm
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1-800-319-2787 or 613-990-1985

Alex Colville, Child and Dog, 1952
Glazed tempera on Masonite
80.9 x 60.8 cm

Alex Colville, Four Figures on Wharf, 1952
Casein tempera on card, mounted on Masonite
43.1 x 78.8 cm

Alex Colville, Woman, Man, and Boat, 1952
Glazed tempera on Masonite
32.3 x 51.3 cm

Alex Colville, Family and Rainstorm, 1955
Glazed tempera on Masonite
57.1 x 74.9 cm

Alex Colville, Couple on the Beach, 1957
Casein tempera on Masonite
73.4 x 96.4 cm

Alex Colville, To Prince Edward Island, 1965
Acrylic emulsion on Masonite
61.9 x 92.5 cm

Alex Colville, Sleeper, 1975
Serigraph on Harumi board
47 x 57 cm

Alex Colville, Living Room, 1999–2000
Acrylic on Masonite
41.8 x 58.5 cm
New Brunswick Museum
1 Market Square
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Alex Colville, Nude and Dummy, 1950
Glazed gum arabic emulsion on board
60.9 x 81.2 cm
Owens Art Gallery
61 York Street, Mount Allison University
Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada

Alex Colville, Untitled, 1940
Oil on pressed board
40.6 x 50.6 cm

Alex Colville, Black Cat, 1996
Serigraph on paper, edition of 70
36 x 36 cm